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Comment Re:Fuck everything about this (Score 2) 375

A spokeswoman for the Durham District School Board ... obliquely explained the school’s actions: “If something is considered detrimental to the positive moral tone of the school, it doesn’t necessarily have to happen inside the school [for us to get involved],” said Andrea Pidwerbecki.

Looks like at least one more person to add to the list of people who should be fired!

Comment Re:One negative... (Score 0) 147

This is what patents were and are supposed to solve! The problem today is not the "economy of scale" + "first mover advantage" = "win forever" but the "I see your 1 patent, and up you with my 1000 patents" threats to new companies. Even if you do have a neat idea and manage to get a patent for it, odds are you'll be sued for some patent infringement by either one of the big players who's lunch you try to eat, or by a patent troll that likes your lunch better than any other.

Comment Wikileaks to blame! (Score 2) 248

Obviously, this is all the fault of wikileaks & Julian Assange! It was his actions that awoke the appetite of the general public to consume dangerous information that they are not allowed to have. Even the safeguards put in place by the government to protect its people from such dangerous information, the Freedom of Information Act, is now no longer effective. We need to pass new legislation quickly to correct this issue at once!

Therefore, I submit the following legislation for review:
1) Make using Copy/Paste illegal
2) Remove the color black from all computer monitors
3) Imprison anyone with a daily subscription to The Sun, as they have been exposed to this dangerous information and need to be contained.

With these 3 simple steps, we can insure the security of our nuclear submarines, and therefore our people, for the next 100 years!

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