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Comment Re:The beast only rows hungrier (Score 0) 87

Once you know someone is a liberal Subaru driving lesbian with a soft spot for abused animals, a keen interest in Sara Maclaughlin and a $1500.00 a year wardrobe budget where is there to go for the next 50 years with this person ?

Hey mate, that's 75k in revenue. Time to get on 1500dollarwardrobe.com. Did I mention that we plan to have deliveries made personally by Sara McLachlan for an extra $3000 fee?

Comment Re:Down the memory hole (Score 1) 229

I've had posts disappear too, but I don't believe it to always be a matter of censorship. From what I understand, all of Facebook's user data is stored in a SQL database of some flavour (or several databases); it's possible (nay, even probable) that between the Facebook frontend and their database(s), some wonky software component refuses to forward post data to the frontend. FWIW, one of my disappeared posts was a video of me drinking O'Doul's (you know, the non-alcoholic beer- the one that you drink when you want to be drinking beer but can't). It was a fairly innocuous inside joke, and I'm sad that I now have to admit on Slashdot to having drunk that crap in order to make a point.

Comment Re:Had you gone to a real College... (Score 1) 368

This isn't to decry data mining completely- it did, after all, uncover my interest in foreign cultures. But not in quite the right way... I feel like the advertising that is informed by data mining is like that party guest that no one invited. He seems like he belongs, he could be fun but there's still something a bit off and nobody really knows where he came from.

Comment Re:Had you gone to a real College... (Score 1) 368

Data mining is overrated for anything more than exploratory analyses though. If your data collection process is so canned that you can accumulate the troves of data necessary for mining, you can't really make much more than the most general of statements. This is why I am besieged by ads in Norweigan on a daily basis. I have a vague interest in foreign cultures, yes, but do I care much for Norway? Not really (it's not a bad place; I'm just ambivalent about it).

Comment Transhumanism, Moore's Law, etc... (Score 5, Interesting) 181

Perhaps this has been asked already (throughout the various interviews, engagements, etc that you have had hitherto), but what are your general thoughts on the Singularity movement, transhumanism, and Ray Kurzweil's overall philosophy on human progress? Are these folks realistic, optimistic, or pessimistic? What are your beliefs about the current state of human advancement, and what we must work on as we careen toward the future?

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