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Comment Re:Extended Support Release (Score 0) 366

Firefox will use more memory if the overall amount of memory you have is higher. it's proportional, as it ought to be. I doubt you have 32BG of memory. I have 8GB here, and currently have 230 tabs open, and Firefox is using ~2.4GB. as someone else mentioned, add-ons play a huge role in this as well. I've had Firebug disabled the majority of the time for this reason.

Comment Re:Extended Support Release (Score 0) 366

uh, what? my Firefox is using 2.4GB right now. and I love when these discussions start and some haughty POWER USER NERD feels it necessary to point out the fact that he has a whopping 10-20 tabs open. really? I have 230 open right now, and I just cleaned out about a hundred or so recently. what are you talking about?

Comment Re:It's Basic Infrastructure (Score 0) 255

If you're a guest in my home, you're welcome to use the bandwidth, along with the lights and water. Can you imagine visitig a friend only to be told, "Look, here's the PIN code to unlock the lights, and here's the key in case you want to wash your hands."

I can imagine it, yes, but only because I use a lot of drugs, and I've read Philip K. Dick, someone who also did a lot of drugs in his time.

Comment Re:Latency (Score 0) 396

actually, interleaved DSL is still only common in European markets, and other non-US markets around the world. fastpath is simply non-interleaved DSL. if you have access to a command-line interface or GUI on your DSL modem, you may be able to modify whether or not you use interleaving, but with some ILECs/CLECs this is not possible. just read the Wikipedia about interleaving. it's essentially just a method of error-checking and correction for lossy lines, as copper phone lines are pretty finicky, and DSL is heavily reliant upon clean signals. interleaving adds some 20-30ms or so of latency.

Comment Re:Latency (Score 0) 396

this doesn't show the same thing necessarily, as someone else said, some traceroute programs use UDP rather than ICMP. but additionally, this depends on how the receiving host handles TTL. they are not required to re-transmit using the same TTL value, and the reverse path is not necessarily the same as forward (and neither are necessarily static.)

Comment Re:They're fools if they're not behind 7 proxies (Score 1) 267

you can argue that case, at least if the channel is dedicated to that one cause. but intent is thought, not action. are we prosecuting people for their thoughts? anybody can join an IRC channel, presuming it's not keyed or invite-only, and anybody could even be accidentally made an operator. that's probably not likely, but just because someone is an operator somewhere doesn't mean they condone something other people around them are doing.

should they make an active effort to stop them? I don't recall signing up to be a police officer.

Comment is this a joke? (Score 0) 890

everyone in this entire fucking article is a moron. a name cannot be "racist" or "anti-semitic," whatever that even means.

a "bigot" named this connection? how's that work? I thought they were still trying to figure who's responsible. I'd think that makes them the "bigot."

if you are shocked and harassed, perhaps you should grow the fuck up or kill yourself, because you're not fit for life.

the words are: Niggers and Jews, not N------ and J------.

Comment Re:Santa of course is not an effin elf. (Score 0) 223

not true. it's really only the death cap that is deadly. all Amanitas are toxic, but most of them can be taken safely, and Amanita muscaria will cause delirium, but as any fungus, it's a really tricky issue to judge dosage and get the desired effect. granted, Amanitas aren't "shrooms," though. I hate seeing people make that mistake. they are mushrooms, but shrooms in this context refer to psilocybin mushrooms.

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