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Comment Re:Good operating systems Dont. (Score 1) 564

I guess the issue can be seen as a variant of Learned Helplessness.


This in that people adopt the attitude of drooling idiots because the big providers do not give them a (easy) way out.

Sadly it seems that Linux is heading the same way, with Ubuntu's Unity and Gnome leading the charge.

Comment Re:He's being polite. (Score 1) 114

And the industry wants it that way.

More and more products have a "user" mode, and (maybe) a "developer" mode.

the user mode will be locked down to tight that moving files around is virtually impossible without bouncing them off some cloud service.

the developer mode is wide open, but they will refuse you access to any kind of for pay service because you may be a pirate...

Comment Re:He's being polite. (Score 1) 114

Well it hasn't helped that we have had a generation or two of marketing saying that you don't need to know anything to operate a computer.

Computers may well be the most complex things humanity has constructed, yet the claim is that the interfaces can be refined so much that a infant can operate them unassisted.

Sorry, but we can't have it both ways...

Comment Re:Reminds me of the old days (Score 1) 69

A big glaring difference between the C64 of old and the "dev kit" of today is that you have to flip "the switch".

With the C64 the command prompt was also the BASIC interpreter. You could enter the command to load other files into memory, and be on your merry way, or you could start entering BASIC code right there.

You see something similar with *nix shell script.

But with this "dev kit" you have to make the device enter a specific mode. And likely this mode will block you from accessing any of your gaming for the duration.

You have something similar on Chromebooks, where there is a "developer switch". Flipping that switch (from user to developer or back) will wipe the device clean.

If this was the case of the C64, it would have required that some Commodore rep came to your house, searched your belongings, confiscated any and all programs, and then set your C64 into "developer mode".

Comment Re:Why does John shut down all systemd talk? (Score 1) 716

Indeed, the boot aspect of systemd has long since "matured". the feature creep happening now is very much about "cloud" and containerization.

An area that happens to be a stated target market for RH moving forward.

And may be why other distros are adopting systemd, as it is likely to become THE basis for Linux (cloud) servers going forward. Especially when backed by the 800 pound gorilla of the Linux ecosystem.

Comment Re:Pointless (Score 2) 755

At this point init is a distraction.

At present time systemd cotains code for:

DHCP client
DNS client
Cron replacement
Firewall management
Network management

And likely a fair bit more that i forget.

All of those however only really function if systemd is running as pid.

And frankly i think the logind element is what got people sitting up and paying attenotion. I certainly did. Because it replaced consolekit. And while consolekit could live on top of any odd init, logind is wedded to systemd as pid1.

And quite a number of freedesktop systems that previously relied on consolekit to privide session and seat tracking now depend on logind. Thus if you want to get your external drive mounting (and who knows what else) working, you need logind, and thus you need to be running systemd as init.

Turtles all the bleeping way down...

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