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Comment Re:What is systemd exactly? (Score 1) 765

With systemd a troubled boot seems to go from "it booted, but lack half the daemons" to "something in the dependency chain broke, here is a (buggy) emergency login, you're on your own" (the last bit systemd will actually state when presenting you with said login).

At that point you are better off hitting hardware reset and fire up the kernel with /bin/bash as init (not sure how friendly journald is about giving out anything without systemd running though).

Seriously, at one point that emergency login was found to be executing commands, as root, if they were typed into the password prompt.

Comment Re:Not ready for primetime (Score 1) 765

Then again, half the supposed issues that the push to containerize everything "Linux" can be fixed by not having the package manager do dependencies.

This because it is Linux or the GNU toolchains that has issues with multiple lib versions (the major source of "dependency hell"), it is the package managers.

Both DEB and RPM balk at having libxyz-v1.0 and lubxyz-v1.1 installed at the same time (unless you do something fancy with the package names). Libtool don't care, as it has SONAME to keep track of the lib version that the binary wants.

But to "fix" this the clever boys behind systemd and Gome are planning to cram everything into containers so that each "app" can only see the libs it claims to need.

Dude that's a tweety bird you are trying to shoot down, not a B-52!

Comment Re:Good operating systems Dont. (Score 1) 564

I guess the issue can be seen as a variant of Learned Helplessness.

This in that people adopt the attitude of drooling idiots because the big providers do not give them a (easy) way out.

Sadly it seems that Linux is heading the same way, with Ubuntu's Unity and Gnome leading the charge.

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