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Comment Re:Pointless (Score 1) 755

I find myself reminded of a recent-ish article where someone tried to install Ubuntu on a Lenovo workstation, and found that the UEFI would only accept two partion labels. That was Windows and RHEL. It would happily boot Ubuntu when the label was changed to RHEL, and things works just as well, but it does make one stop and wonder about the position RH holds these days...

Comment Re:Remoting status using Wayland? (Score 2) 189

The major think breaking said transparency was that everyone and their dog wanted to use OGL for something, and bypassing X by talking straight to the hardware and dumping the result as a bitmap into X again.

This approach is by its very nature not network transparent, as it assumes that the program code lives on the same machine as the hardware used to draw the result.

there are implementations for doing this over the network, but nobody seemed interested in adopting it.

Comment Re: Great, when will I use it? (Score 1) 189

One may well think of the relationship between RHEL and Fedora as similar to the one between Ubuntu and Debian.

Fedora is as close to bleeding edge as you can get without going rolling release, and a major testbed for what RH will put into RHEL down the road.

Also means that if you can get your project to become part of the Fedora install set you have pretty much made it...

Comment Re:Why does John shut down all systemd talk? (Score 1) 716

>As cluttered and dated as SysV is at least you don't have to take pieces of it apart to change what flags are being used to call some secondary command at boot time.

And that may be touching on a big issue. sysv en its like was created in an era where you could not easily spin up another server as needed, and doing a full reinstall for a "minor" issue was seen as insanity.

Thus systems that could be fixed in place, with minimal tools, where the order of the day.

Now however we have a generation that has grown up accustomed to doing reinstalls at the drop of a hat, thanks to desktop computers. And their server environment makes heavy use of virtual machines and containerization. Neither of these are conductive towards a mentality of fixing issues in place, never mind making sure they stay fixed.

In essence they are doing service uptime via machinegun, not belt and suspenders engineering. Who cares if a instance crashes, there are 1000s ready to take over, and it will be rebooted in seconds anyways.

Consumerism has reached the server rack...

Comment Re:I'm not autistic (Score 1) 289

And that may be what is driving this new, wider, definition of autism forward.

Where before your kid and other kids would survive in some fashion in a local community because everyone was expected to be somewhat self-sufficient (maybe not a grand life, but a survivable one), now everyone is expected to bend over backwards for some "persona" to get their gruel tokens. And if you don't bend like they want you do, it is game over.

So the whole push about "normal" is newspeak for "don't rock the boat!".

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