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Comment I do not blame the NSA for spying on Americans. (Score 1) 286

The American mafia has made money through selling information to foreign countries since 1977.

Without help from the mafia cops, lawyers and hospital workers to allow Americans to be tortured, the Soviet Union would never have had the concept of super-cavitation, the neutron bomb, active stealth or cermet.

While the American mafia allows kids/relatives of parents with access to classified data to be tortured, the American government has had it's hands tied, it's about 30 years past time for some crooked cops and their gang members to meet the waterboard for espionage.

Comment Fedora. (Score 1, Informative) 1215

Fedora Linux does everything I need, I don't really do more than email, web reading and office documents.
If I was a gamer I am sure it would require Windows.

My current desktop is a Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3(rev 1.0) with an i7-2600K and 16GB of RAM; everything works flawlessly. I don't even have a video card, I am just using the SandyBridge integrated graphics via HDMI...

Why change?

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