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Comment Linux Movie & TV Sites (Score 1) 214

Yes you can get several options for Linux. The first point about not having DRM support on Linux is complete crap. The idea that Linux users won't pay for closed source programs is also complete and total crap that people just make up with no evidence to support it. If you have any doubt about that look at the Humble Indie Bundle and see how Linux users pay more per user for closed source games than Linux or Mac by a large percentage. There are multiple set top boxes running Linux that offer DRM movie and video streaming without any problems. So it isn't an issue of a technical problem. It's an issue of a political one with companies. You have Roku, Tivo, Neuros, Boxee, MeeGo, Videoscape, WD Live TV and the list just keeps on going. So clearly streaming movies/video even DRM videos on Linux is possible and is done all the time.

If you want to look at your current options under Linux. You can look at Hulu, Hulu Plus, Crackle, YouTube Movie rentals, WB tv show site, Slash Control, Veoh, CBS, NBC, ABC, TNT, Zediva, SyFy, Cartoon Network, South Park,,,,, PBS Frontline, Uncle Earl's Classic Television, Shocker Internet Drive-In,,, Free Film Source,,,,,,,,,,,,, and just to name a few of the options out there.

Comment Re:Interesting observation about the media coverag (Score 1) 343

You might want to tell that same nonsense to law enforcement the world over who use the Glock on a regular basis for their standard firearm. Your comments makes me even wonder if you have ever actually used one or if your just one of those people who hates all guns just on principal alone.

Comment Re:O'RLY? (Score 1) 343

You might want to learn about what you are talking about before making yourself look so foolish showing that you clearly have no idea what you are talking about at all. Using your justification method to slam religion you might as well use the same method to slam every single country in the world and every society in history since they all have done the exact same thing, even the country your in now. No it doesn't matter which one because they all have done it. Your just spouting blind hate which while interesting to watch, ultimately it means nothing other than to show someone who clearly has no idea what they are talking about.

Comment Re:Not a big topic in Norway (Score 1) 343

What exact makes him right wing? That he doesn't want people coming in and changing everything, that he wants it to stay the same? Sorry that isn't right wing at all. It isn't even political. Lots of people want that exact thing and will go to amazing lengths to try and make it happen. Just look at small town politics anywhere in the world and you will see this. People want to protect their way of life and for things to be the same forever. That has zero to do with politics, and everything to do with people hating change. Not wanting things to change isn't even weird or insane. It's a very very common attitude with a large portion of society.

Comment Re:Monopoly (Score 1) 343

You might want to actually look in to the rules that were set up for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to be run by Congress about 7-8 years ago and who exactly it was who put those rules in place and told Freddie and Fannie how they must approve mortgages. If you really look at the history of both of them and how Democrats in Congress were involved you might be very surprised at where the problems lie and when they were created. Democrats in Congress made this whole mess and they were told point blank it was going to blow up in their faces with some of the asinine rules that they forced on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Economist and the banking sector all told them their messed up rules were going to create a nightmare and that is exactly what has happened. If you force them to give out loans no matter what, regardless of how bad a loan it is, don't be surprised when it all goes to hell in a hand basket. Democrats have made a game out of blaming Wall Street for this mess and refusing to acknowledge their main role in this whole mess. If Congress says they are class A securities what are you suppose to do stand up and say you guys are insane and they aren't? A number of people did exactly that and were told to sit down and shut up and stop trying to take advantage of the middle class and the poor. Once again Democrats blame anyone but themselves for the problem. We are seeing now more of the exact same thing.

Comment Re:Massacre (Score 1) 343

Someone needs to go back and learn their history correctly. Seems someone bough in to some serious historical rewriting that seems to be so common these days. Try and do you own research and find out for yourself rather than just repeating what seems to popular but clearly so very wrong. I would bet your going to try and bring the Crusades into it. Well if that is your point then you clearly have no understanding of the Crusades and need to go back and learn the actual full history of the Crusades, as well as other commonly misunderstood historical events that I hear people complaining about when clearly they haven't researched the history completely themselves or were taught really bad history which seems to be very common in schools and universities these days.

Comment Re:Wow 20%? (Score 1) 315

That is the biggest problem I have seen. Is that parents and schools push for everyone to be winners. Guess what not everyone are winners. Some people are just average and will average their entire life. We see the problem this creates with Dr. Spock and others with the idea of never tell a child no but instead redirect them. This idea that we should never physically correct children has gotten completely insane and it is a large reason why we have as many people in prison as we do. Children are growing up thinking they can do whatever they want and that force will never be used on them to make them do anything. Guess what that isn't how it works in the real world. Laws by their very nature are enforced upon threat of violence. You may get away with tell your parents that you don't have to listen to them or do what they say. You try that with law enforcement and you will quickly learn the error of that idea. We have been raising generations that have basically never heard the word no, told they are special and everyone is the same, and that they can do whatever they want and they will never be physically punished. That is a recipe for complete socialital break down and eventual anarchy.

Guess what in the real world and in all jobs you will hear no on a very regular basis and people don't think most people are special. It's the idea that we can't have advanced high school courses anymore because it makes some students feel bad that they can't do that level of work. So the **** what. Some people are just smarter, brighter and more advanced than others and trying to cover that up and make believe that it doesn't exist won't change the truth. You know why the work force of America and other countries is getting wider and wider between the skilled and unskilled? It's because parents and schools are not challenging students to be better and to try and be great. They are tell them "oh you failed...well that's ok at least you did your best". That is crap if you failed you failed and you need to do it over again and again until you do it correctly. If you want to give up and just be simple then go for it, because we always need garbage collectors and other non-skilled workers. You don't like it...too bad, that is the way society is. Some people are bright and on the top and some people are just not bright at all and they will always be at the lower levels of society. This idea that people are disadvantaged just because their school sucks or they didn't go to college. Guess what not everyone is mentally able to deal with college level courses and we need to get over this idea that everyone can go to college and should. That simply isn't reality and the sooner we accept it the better off society will be in the long run. Some people need to learn that not everyone can be a doctor/lawyer/business owner/whatever because they simply don't have the intelligence to do it, and no matter how much you try and teach them and send them to classes it simply will never happen.

Everyone is not the same and everyone can't be whatever they want to be. That is a lie that has been told to children for the last 20-30 years and it has done more damage to society than it has ever done any good.

Comment Re:Wow 20%? (Score 1, Interesting) 315

This is a very accurate statement. If you ask some people if something is right or wrong they will reply that it depends on the situation and other factors. The idea that things can be just plain wrong in all cases is seen by some in society as outmoded and not keeping up with the times. The funny thing is that is more leftist media people and leftist guests brought on to shows, not to mention leftist professors who haven't left their ivory towers in years to deal with the real public.

The problem with people thinking this is normal is in fact because it is not. The vast majority of Americans consider themselves religious. This idea that religion is something to scorn is only held by a few few vocal minority in the US. They scream the loudest so people think that is the way it is, but that is just an echo chamber and it doesn't reflect reality. The last Time poll on religion about two years ago showed that 60% of American's have been to some kind of church/synagogue/temple/whatever generally at least once every 2 weeks. The idea that the US is not religious is just a fantasy that a very few vocal are trying to push on everyone else to make it seem like that is the major, when in fact they just wish it was the majority because they are the minority. This very small minority wants everyone to think that religion is crazy and those who believe it are crazy. The problem is they are the minority and it is religion that is the basis for laws in almost every country and every society throughout history but that isn't something they want to talk about.

I think it is interesting that people like that demand that people be tolerant and everyone should be allowed to think whatever they want, when in fact it is they who are the least tolerant especially when it comes to religion. Science has become a religion to so many of these type of people that they are throwing rationality out the window and are willing to accept anything that might go against religion even when it isn't logical and there is no proof to support it and true hard science doesn't support what they believe.

I tend to think the most common reason, and this is my opinion, is because these people want to be able to do whatever they want without feeling bad about what they are doing or how it effects other people. They justify it by saying those who oppose them are idiots and need to join the modern age and that these people can't think for themselves. In reality what they are saying is I don't care about anyone but me and I should be able to do whatever I want even if it hurts someone else. No one likes to be told they are wrong and that what they are doing is wrong. It seems that these type of people have taken it to an extreme and not only don't want to hear it, but they want everyone else and society to never tell anyone they are wrong or bad. You only need to look at one of the most famous examples of how this lead to the destruction of a society. Look at the social arc of the Roman society and you will be very surprised how similar it is to current society, and how if we don't do something different to break the cycle we could end up exactly like the Romans.

Comment Moving beyond core competency (Score 1) 120

I thought that Mozilla would have realized the same thing that successful corporate leaders and turn around teams have been saying for years. If you are really good at one thing it doesn't mean you should start trying to do other things to make even more money. This type of thinking has crashed many companies over the years. The best example of this is Boston Market. They went from being a very profitable roasted chicken place to trying to offer all kinds of food and it pretty much ran the company in to the ground. It is a shadow of what it used to be. Most of the time doing one thing and doing it really really well is exactly what a company should continue to focus on rather than trying to chase even more profits and end up cratering.

Comment Re:Kill All Software Patents (Score 1) 204

You sure that it is impossible that no one else around the time would have or did come up with the same ideas? JIT systems are definitely not a new idea. They have been used in games for a very long time. Look at Infocom and SCUMM (Lucas Arts) games. They used basically JIT. I know that when I was in college back in the 1980's in class we talked several times about JIT and how they would work and how it could be done. The problem back then was getting it adopted not the technical issues. No two computer makers would ever want to see a JIT on their computer that works with the competition. I thought that getting one for Commodore, Apple and IBM-PCs would have been a great product to have. It would have made development costs much lower in theory. It wasn't until the Internet and needing 1 app to run on multiple platforms and systems that adoption of the idea became realistic.

Comment Re:Eeh. In private hands? (Score 1) 197

You have been sadly deceived. The states have sold their databases to the highest bidders on many many occasions. You should also look at the Fusion Centers that are not government groups/divisions but rather private companies that are supported with grants from the federal government and full database access to all the government criminal and regular databases. They have full access to law enforcement and routinely send out information to law enforcement as to what they should be doing and the types of people they should be watching and monitoring. This isn't a government agency. They are private corporations and there are generally at least 2 of these Fusion Centers in every state.

You then throw in how every single administration has been cause pulling FBI files and such of their political opponents. You quickly see that every government database is for sale and abused on a regular basis. Police constantly do look-ups on neighbors and people they are dating or people dating their friends or family members. Police abuse their database access all the time and rarely are punished for it, and almost never publicly.

The government clearly can not be trusted with databases of people. They constantly abuse them. They put bad information in them, like the horribly inaccurate no fly list, and getting data corrected is impossible just ask several Congress members. The list just goes on and on. We do not need to be letting any level of government (state or federal) to have any more databases to abuse. Too bad if their job is hard and it would be easier if they had these. My life would be easier if I could just kill everyone who annoyed me as well, and take money anytime I wanted from banks with no legal problems. Neither are going to happen and the government and law enforcement just need to work harder, and too bad if their job is hard, they can always quit.

Comment Re:And Lemme Guess... (Score 1) 197

You are 100% correct. The founding fathers point blank said all rights come from God or the people or a higher power or whatever but they absolutely do not come from the government. It is not the government that gives us rights, they believed we are born with them and they all believed that they came from our creator. The only thing the federal government is suppose to be able to do is make rules/laws about when someone's rights are trampled on by someone else. You are 100% correct that the 10 Amendments are just a sample list of what the federal government can not do. It is not and never was intended to be the final list of what is or is not allowed. The US Constitution was set up so that it enumerated the rights or what the federal government was allowed to do. If it wasn't listed then the federal government was not allowed to do it. How in the world it got flipped from if it isn't in the US Constitution then we the public can't do it, I will never know. I have no idea how people ever got that idea. Either they slept through the US Constitution class required for high school graduation in the US or they had an extremely crappy teacher who taught them completely wrong. Read the federalist papers, letters and such written at the time and read the Constitutional Congress minutes to see what they argued and debated about and what they were trying to do. Remember the US Constitution almost didn't get ratified because so many thought the federal government was going to get way too many powers. It took a lot of debating and arguing and changes to get it finally ratified. If they were freaked out how about much power the federal government might end up with, why in the world do people think the federal government has the power and right to invade our lives anytime they want for any reason. That is completely insane. The states wanted to limit the federal government as much as possible so that the federal government was not telling states what they could and couldn't do. There are a lot of safe guards that were put in place to protect the states from the federal government and severly limit how powerful the federal government could get and controls set in place to make sure one branch didn't just take over everything. Over time these protections and ideas have gotten completely shredded by the federal government as it has grabbed more and more power and gotten larger and larger than was ever intended or imagined by the founding fathers. The founding fathers also wanted the federal and state governments to stay they hell out of people's lives as much as possible. They only wanted to the government to be involved in people's lives as little as was possible. Some how that has gotten flipped to where the governments are allowed to tell us what we can and can't do in our private lives. The courts were never ever suppose to make any laws that was the responsibility of the legislative branch, but somehow over the years the courts have grabbed more and more power and judges have started making laws from the bench which should never ever have been allowed and was strictly forbidden. All the branches crossing over and ignoring all the checks and balances is exactly why the US government is so screwed up today and why it is 10000X larger than it ever should have been or was even suppose to be allowed by the founding fathers. If the founding fathers saw the state and federal governments today they would throw up in disgust and then start an armed rebellion in the streets to overthrow the state and federal governments. They would probably bitch slap most of us in the process as well for letting it get this far and this bad.

Comment Re:And Lemme Guess... (Score 3, Insightful) 197

People forget what the founding fathers said about rights. They said that all rights come from God or the people or a higher power or whatever. Right absolutely do not come from the government in any way shape or form. You have every right you were born with, unless that right is specifically taken away. I do not see any laws passed or things added to the US Constitution that says I have to give up my right to privacy. So until such a law is passed by the majority of the people, I will always have my right to privacy and it doesn't come from the government to allow me the right to privacy. You have to understand what the US Constitution actually is, what it is crafted to do, and what powers and rights it gives to the Federal government. It also helps if you read the federalist papers, the letters and such written around that time, and the Constitutional Congress minutes to get an idea of what they were trying to do. You might want to look at what was going on in Europe and how it was run to get an idea of how they were trying to do things differently.

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