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Comment How have you implemented Agile (Score 1) 569

It should be obvious from the walk-around/interview if and how the company is using Lean or Agile or similar team-based short-term development cycles. Drill down.

"How is it working out for you?" Seems like most Agile implementations have problems, more so as they're getting started and learning the system.

If they aren't, "Have you considered/are you planning to try Agile". There's a lot of pain that goes along with that transition.

Compare their answers to how you personally feel about these methods.

Comment Code comments as documentation (Score 1) 1134

You're right, but the thing is, you can see the value most developers put in comments, in the quality and emphasis that programming languages put on comments. At best they're an afterthought, implementing what other languages have done before. I've never seen comments done "right" so I end up doing it myself.

I currently write in html, php, javascript, css, perl, sql, and command line script. Comments are supported differently in each. CSS is particularly awful, only supporting /* */ and including it in code-weight.

There are many types of comments.

To begin with, there's code-header comments - program name, change date, inputs and outputs, platform, etc. I used to program in COBOL and these were mandatory. In some languages this can be used to autodocument.

There are declarative comments - the kind you usually expect. They tell what a function or program section should do.

There are temporary notes and to do comments - "remember to change this so that it won't fail if we get a negative", etc. I use #! and #? for these (or /* #!yaddayadda */ if # isn't supported).

Then there's comment-out: places where I leave the previous code in for a while so I can see what I changed. If I can I put the # in the left column for these; wish there was a whole different symbol for it.

Finally, there's well-formed/best practices code as its own "self-documenting" - but that does not substitute for good comments.

(here's my blog rant)

Comment Re:When I was a manager ... (Score 1) 354

Agreed - seeoms a lot of time ends up trickling away to useless meetings, chatting with colleagues, web surfing, reordering MP3s, smoke breaks, etc..

For me it varies between 2 and maybe 6 hours. Strangely, the more actual work I get done, the better I feel about my job.

Sometimes if I'm extremely creative, I can work 10 or 12 hours in an 8-hour day, by over-multitasking.


Submission + - Space Shuttle Endeavour Lands Safely

Limburgher writes: I just watched her land on NASA TV. What a relief! I'm glad they all made it back safely. Still think they should have patched, but it looks like NASA's decision was justified.

Submission + - Frozen Smoke (AreoGel) New Miricle Substance (timesonline.co.uk) 1

thejuggler writes: Scientists hail 'frozen smoke' as material that will change world. A MIRACLE material for the 21st century could protect your home against bomb blasts, mop up oil spillages and even help man to fly to Mars. Aerogel, one of the world's lightest solids, can withstand a direct blast of 1kg of dynamite and protect against heat from a blowtorch at more than 1,300C.

I had to keep checking to make sure I wasn't reading The Onion. It seems that this AeroGel can save "The World" by stopping global warming, saving whales and polar bears, eliminating our need for oil. Never has so much been said about something that isn't even there (or at least 99%) of isn't there.


Submission + - Major New Discovery in the Ancestry of Man (hughpickens.com)

Pcol writes: "The New York Times is reporting a major new discovery in the ancestral line to Homo sapiens that challenges the conventional view that Homo erectus evolved from Homo habilis. Instead, the two hominid species apparently lived side by side in eastern Africa for almost half a million years suggesting "that they had their own ecological niche, thus avoiding direct competition," said Dr. Meave Leakey, one of the co-authors, in a statement from Nairobi. The discovery leaves the early evolution of the genus Homo even more shrouded in mystery and means that both habilis and erectus must have originated from a common ancestor between two million and three million years ago. A fossil search for the common ancestor has drawn a virtual blank. The size of the new Homo erectus skull was also a surprise. "The fact that the skull — probably belong[ing] to a young adult — is so small suggests that the size range of Homo erectus was much larger than we imagined," said Fred Spoor, who discovered the hominin fossils. Homo erectus has always been viewed as similar to Homo sapiens in both body shape and lifestyle but the new discovery of a large sexual dimorphism suggests a family set-up more akin to that of modern gorillas in which dominant males mate with a harem of females."

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