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Comment Re:Assumes a centralized DNS system (Score 1) 89

Your analogy is flawed. IRC is nothing like the web. As you said, IRC is a decentralized network. There are connections between the servers. "The web" doesn't exist - it's just a bunch of servers that have no connection to each other. The IRC split just referred to other people starting their own IRC networks. Maybe you meant to compare IRC to DNS, which is a giant network of sorts. I think a DNS split is very unlikely, though. There's little benefit to having a single giant IRC network, but obvious benefit to having a single DNS network, without which the whole Internet basically gets fragmented, from a usability standpoint.

Comment Re:This use of CAN-SPAM is unconstitutional (Score 1) 319

Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom ... to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I assume this is the part you're referring to, but I don't agree with your interpretation. I don't think petitioning "the government" in this case means that harrassing one government official in particular is necessarily Constitutionally protected behavior.

Comment Re:First Amendment (Score 2, Insightful) 319

If Thompson's bill was worth supporting before, then his bill should still be worth supporting after annoying e-mails, spam or for all I care: murder.

Clearly you don't understand how the Senate works. Bills need support to pass, regarldess of their content. People make deals to support each other's bills. Having friends in your court is crucial if you want to get anything passed. Is this right? Maybe not, but that's how it is, and it's not exactly a secret. For more information, I suggest reading Fight Club Politics, available at your local library.

Comment Re:You're a fucking moron. (Score 1) 319

"But all that means is that the CAN-SPAM act isn't the appropriate law to attack him with: instead, the Senator should just go for plain-old harassment" did you not understand, dumbass?

I think the part he was actually responding to was "Spam is commercial email. This is email about a pending legislative action, and thus Jack Thompson has the right to send it because he has a right to free speech." Spam isn't necessarily commercial, and no he doesn't. The fact that the CAN-SPAM act in particular may not apply doesn't change the widely accepted definition of spam.

Comment Re:x86-only (Score 1) 96

Windows has troubles with 64-bit and seems to be avoiding it.

I don't think this has been true for years. And the only problems I recall were some hardware vendors not putting out 64-bit drivers, but they seem to be on board now.

Linux does as well, but much less so.

What the hell are you talking about?

Comment Re:Where do free items fit in? (Score 1) 194

Blaming Disney is a distraction. Focus on the real source of the problem. It's the same thing as blaming movie studios for not letting you watch a film on a non-HDCP display, when in fact it is the operating system (Windows Vista or Mac OS X) that enforces this restriction on you.

This goes both ways. No one is forcing Disney to use the "disable skip" feature. HDCP is required by the hardware (at least for Blu-Ray). Who do you think pushes for things like HDCP? The studios. Yes, that includes Disney. The operating systems wouldn't enforce these restrictions if the media companies weren't pushing for them.


Paper Ballots Will Return In MD and VA 420

cheezitmike writes "According to a story in the Washington Post, 'Maryland and Virginia are going old school after Tuesday's election. Maryland will scrap its $65 million electronic system and go back to paper ballots in time for the 2010 midterm elections. In Virginia, localities are moving to paper after the General Assembly voted last year to phase out electronic voting machines as they wear out. "The battle for the hearts and minds of voters on whether electronic systems are good or bad has been lost," Brace said. The academics and computer scientists who said they were unreliable "have won that battle."'"

Attack Code Found For Recent Windows Bug 184

CWmike writes "Just a day after downplaying the vulnerability that caused it to issue an out-of-cycle patch last week, Microsoft warned customers late yesterday that exploit code had gone public and was being used in additional attacks. 'We've identified the public availability of exploit code that now shows code execution for the vulnerability addressed by MS08-067,' said Mike Reavey, operations manager of Microsoft's Security Response Center, in a post to the MSRC blog. 'This exploit code has been shown to result in remote code execution on Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000.'"
The Courts

Judge Tells RIAA To Stop 'Bankrupting' Litigants 332

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "The Boston judge who has consolidated all of the RIAA's Massachusetts cases into a single case over which she has been presiding for the past 5 years delivered something of a rebuke to the RIAA's lawyers, we have learned. At a conference this past June, the transcript of which (PDF) has just been released, Judge Nancy Gertner said to them that they 'have an ethical obligation to fully understand that they are fighting people without lawyers ... to understand that the formalities of this are basically bankrupting people, and it's terribly critical that you stop it ...' She also acknowledged that 'there is a huge imbalance in these cases. The record companies are represented by large law firms with substantial resources,' while it is futile for self-represented defendants to resist. The judge did not seem to acknowledge any responsibility on her part, however, for having created the 'imbalance,' and also stated that the law is 'overwhelmingly on the side of the record companies,' even though she seems to recognize that for the past 5 years she has been hearing only one side of the legal story."

Comment Re:My SOP for Bank E-mails (Score 1) 272

1. Delete e-mail.

2. Log in to bank via their web site.

What scares me is that while this guards against the garden variety phishing attack, it can't protect me from an ISP DNS compromise.

That's what SSL is for. The name on the SSL certificate won't match the address of the site. OR, even if they do make a certificate for wachovia.com (for example), it will be self signed. Your browser will pop up some kind of warning. Firefox will make it almost impossible to proceed (this is what everyone's been complaining about, but now you can see why it's useful).


Canadian Firms Get Behind OpenMoko/FreeRunner 140

mario writes "Now that the OpenMoko platform has stabilized enough to provide the OM2008 image (supporting the three major toolkits), things are starting to heat up. Linuxdevices is reporting on the start of a port of Devicescape's connect application. Koolu (another Canadian company) is also doing development for its W.E. phone (a branded FreeRunner). Which leads me to ask: Where are the American companies?"

BusinessWeek Advocates Microsoft Piracy 181

xzvf writes "In a lengthy editorial, BusinessWeek advocates allowing users in China and India to pirate Microsoft software so that it can obtain the same level of market share there as it has in the US and Europe. From the piece: 'If Microsoft succeeds in discouraging piracy of Windows in China and India, it is far more likely to drive the user of the pirated software into the Linux camp than it is to steer them into the land of paid-up Windows users. Microsoft's IP management strategy in China and India should instead focus on securing the victory of Windows on the desktops of all PC users. That may require deliberately lax enforcement efforts against pirated copies of Windows for the short and medium term. Only after the Linux threat lessens might Microsoft have the luxury of tightening up piracy protections, as it is now doing in the West. Microsoft can afford to be patient.'"

Firebird 2.0 Final Released 158

Samyem Tuladhar writes "After 2 years in development, the Firebird Project today officially releases the much-anticipated version 2.0 of its open source Firebird relational database software during the opening session of the fourth international Firebird Conference in Prague, Czech Republic."

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