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Comment What about the "killer app" (Score 4, Interesting) 170

For those who are still waiting for the latest Oracle DB to be certified with RHEL 6, this appears to be one more reason to switch. Giving away an OracleDB certified OS seems like a pretty good ploy on their part. Then choke out Red Hat.

Not going to get any karma points for this move, but I see what they've done here.

Comment Re:Like Henry Ford said... (Score 1) 226

This is the typical arm-chair quarterback responses that make governing via teh interwebs a bad idea. Most law makers hold advanced degrees (J.D., MBA, P.H.D, etc). Most have studied public policy and have spent time in local government before jumping to congress. It would not be my choice in a line of work, but they have decided that it is what they want to do. Sure, most are influenced by campaign donors, but usually they align themselves with donors that are like-minded. I would bet few sell their soul (given they have one) to a donor that they completely disagree with.

As a citizen, I can protest all I want and try to apply pressure on our ELECTED representatives. I don't see why I can't cry or fuss if I think they are aren't working in my best interest. This is how representative democracy works. True democracy will just turn into chaos.

Comment From the article... (Score 5, Informative) 138

When you boot up an Ubuntu live CD or USB drive, press CTRL+S when you hear a drum sound. This will start the Orca screen reader, and you can either try Ubuntu using Orca or install Ubuntu with your eyes closed; it's entirely your choice. I was able to do a complete installation (including partitioning my drives) without having to look at my screen!

Didn't know about this option. I have to say that this is pretty cool.

Comment Re:two RJ-45 per room (Score -1, Troll) 402

It's a home network! If you really need professional grade, get space at a colo. It amazes me how people get all into being superior with their computers at home, but forget about not having redundant power, redundant networking, locked cages. I bet this guys biggest computer issues with his "home server" won't be the speed of the network or the CPU power. It will be keeping the cat from sleeping on it or keeping Cheerios out of the USB slots.

Comment two RJ-45 per room (Score -1, Flamebait) 402

two RJ-45 per room, four in the living room. I have a self-built 4U server

Hey, 1998 called it wants its computers back.

First, off there is this invention called WiFi. No more need to put wires in the walls for networking. Also, you build a 4U server? Come on, turning a beige box into a server went out years ago. For the cost (and hassle) of your rack build, you can have small footprint servers with plenty of space in the internal drives. If not, you can plug in a kindle-sized USB 3.0 harddrive for an added 3TB of space.

I call bullshit or the submission queue for Ask Slashdot is REALLY long.

Comment Re:What's up with the trolls? (Score 3, Insightful) 407

You make a good point. How many people know the political and economic decisions that led to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? When I say we should not forget, I speak generically about not forgetting the past for fears of repetition. We should remember 9/11 in my OPINION as a combination of how building should be built, safety concerns with first responders, our governments (US) habit of arming and propping up power-hungry leaders to play political chess with our enemies. There is an awful lot we can learn from history. I think it is short sighted to just look to the future without learning from the past (mistakes or achievements).

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