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Comment Re:VDI is a solution to yesterday's problem (Score 1) 450

Why would any user voluntarily give up the features, and freedoms of local computing just because the IT guys say it makes their job easier.

Cost of maintenance, loss of value when someone loses unbacked up data in a machine failure. Downtime due to hardware failure (thin clients => simpler repair procedure). It's not a 100% win, but it's great for a number of use cases, so use it where it works. Of course, I'm a dev, so I get a fancy box, or a slice of a monster build box sitting in the closet.

Comment Re:The problem in the US... (Score 2) 298

Hogwash, economic starting points are a bigger indicator of success than raw brains - when you're poor and smart, getting ahead is HARD. When you're rich, you don't have to worry about paying for college, summer jobs, or much of that - you have a lot of free time for sports and networking, which helps you get ahead later on.

Comment Re:The problem was the metaphors, not the imaginat (Score 1) 429

Actually that would be quite cool...Sam Flynn takes over Encom, and he eventually thinks his crap don't stink. And furthermore he has millions of fanboys exquisitely sensitive to his Reality Distortion Field.

The Tron sequel idea I had would have had Kevin Flynn basically becoming a Bill Gates-esque zillionaire with a Jobsian fanboy following. He eventually rewrites and unleashes the MCP on the Internet cloud because he craves complete ownage. However, there is a young Eastern European hacker kid who steps up and saves the Cloud...and the world. Yeah, the young hacker would be kinda sorta based on Linus Torvalds.

However, that story was better and less hokily done as Summer Wars. When Funimation unleashes that in theatres...GO. Actually, come to think of it, Summer Wars was what Tron: Legacy should have been. And Oz is so much more visually interesting than The Grid 2.0.

Comment Re:Some notes: (Score 1) 429

Every computer outside the Grid was running Mac OS X. Didn't you recognize the Darwin command line? No big thing: Steve Jobs is the biggest shareholder in Disney now so he gets mad props. That's the way that goes.

Actually having to go into Flynn's Arcade on the way to Flynn's secret office is one of my favorite scenes in the movie. I gather that you were in diapers in 1982. I was 18. Tron was big stuff for geeks of my generation.

Oh yeah, you didn't notice the most telling nostalgia object in young Sam Flynn's room? Mac Classic. Pristine.

Get off my frakkin lawn, youngling.

Comment Re:I burn in hell for demanding responsibility? (Score 1) 244

There is a legal concept of 'coming to the nuisance' - it was obvious that the asphalt plant was in operation, so it makes me wonder how these guys aren't laughed out of court. "you built a subdivision next to an industrial plant? Really?". The fact is, there's more than simply pollution - industrial areas are loud and smelly. If we're just talking about an extant externality, the existence of the residential area would be irrelevant - a developer could buy land, sue the neighbor, then build.

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