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Comment 1995 era computer vs. 2000 era computer (Score 1) 159

Imagine trying to pair a graphics card from 2000 with a cpu from 1995. Not only would the 1995 CPU be wed to a motherboard with no AGP slot, but the real world benchmark of a 133 MHz Pentium Vs a 1 GHz Pentium III was HUGE. The clock speed alone was nearly 8x greater, not to mention the greatly improved instruction sets...and FSB improvements. I honestly thought that by now, there would have been some sort of "killer app" that would have really put the pressure back on the desktop, to where the average person would really *need* that Core i7 over the i3, but to the average user, it doesn't make a bit of difference. Even to me, my 4 year old Q9400 paired with DDR2 800 is still more than adequate driving 3 1920x1200 monitors and massive multitasking. It even handles the occasional gaming weekend quite well, as well as ripping HD video content. Not to mention today's video cards still physically fit in my PCI slots!


Submission + - GoDaddy Goes Down, Anonymous Claims Responsibility

An anonymous reader writes: A member of the Anonymous hacktivist group appears to have taken down GoDaddy with a massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). The widespread issue seems to be affecting countless websites and services around the world, although not for everyone. is down, but so are some of the site’s DNS servers, which means GoDaddy hosted e-mail accounts are down as well, and lots more. It’s currently unclear if the servers are being unresponsive or if they are completely offline. Either way, the result is that if your DNS is hosted on GoDaddy, your site may also look as if it is down, because it cannot resolve.

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