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Comment Re:Good. +1 for Google. (Score 1) 176

Who decides who "" is? A collection of CAs or the person who gets the money for adding the NS entry for You may have existential angst over this, but at a practical level the registrar is going to be intimately involved in deciding who owns your domain and will have a de facto ability to spoof that, cut you off, or do other bad things. The question is whether they can do any of this stealthily. One nice thing about DANE is that you can actually monitor the records which are being provided to ensure that people are getting the correct records (doing this right would mean either having a number of test locations or hiring a third-party provider that does this as a service). This is in contrast to the CA model, in which you don't know that someone is presenting a bogus cert unless you're google and you get to instrument everybody's browser.

As for the price, you misunderstand. Paying more certainly doesn't guarantee quality, but not paying certainly guarantees that a provider won't implement expensive controls. If you need a highly secure domain in the DNSSEC scheme, then you want a registrar that will implement things like out of band verification of changes, multi-party controls on their end to prevent unauthorized changes, routine auditing, etc. That will cost more than getting a domain from a registrar that doesn't provide those services. You're probably going to be using a registrar that has a low enough volume that they can actually inspect changes to a degree impossible if you support automated bulk registrations (so the costs are spread over fewer customers).The neat thing is, you get to decide what you need--there's no good reason why my vanity domain needs the same level of security as If you're on the really high end, I'd expect that you'd actually third-party audit the registrar to make sure that they're doing the things they say they are. (That also won't be free.) But at least there would be economic incentives to do all of these things, unlike the current regime where there's no effective difference between a $100k verisign EV cert and a free startssl cert.

Comment Re:Good. +1 for Google. (Score 1) 176

>>registrars between you and the root can spoof you.
Not good.

Why is that not good? If your registrar is malicious, they can get a certificate issued for you anyway. The really nice thing about the "you have to trust your registrar" model is that you can actually vote with your wallet. Don't care about security? Get a cheap registrar. Want really good security? Pay extra for a registrar that has stronger guarantees. Even better: if a registrar screws up, its customers can leave. (Unlike the CA model, where if the CA screws up, they're too big to fail.) The techincal aspects are almost secondary to the benefits of providing economic incentives for the security-critical actors to do the right things.

Comment Re: Dupe (Score 1) 840

It's already been beaten to death up-thread. The benefits are things like more efficient space utilization and improved aerodynamics. The cost is that something that doesn't happen very often is less convenient. For the majority of car owners who were never going to change their bulbs anyway, there is basically no cost at all. I think that most "reasonable people" have no idea what is required to change their bulb, as galling as it may be for you. Calling it a safety concern is just about as hyperbolic as it gets. Seriously, how often do you blow a bulb? While driving? In a snow storm? If this is your number one issue, go ahead and get yourself a fifty year old chevy. It'll be a death trap in that snowstorm in a lot of ways, but it'll be really easy to change the headlight. (Not actually true: it required a screwdriver, and the screw was likely corroded and a PITA to remove in the dark on the side of a road. Even 50 years ago most people didn't really care about this issue.)

Comment Re: Dupe (Score 1) 840

But your point is basically "it shouldn't because I say so", which isn't really compelling. Who cares if it's many hours of driving? Most of the time if I lose a headlight I'm only really sure that it's out when I get to the garage and confirm that there's only one bright spot on the wall; there is sufficient redundancy in the system that driving on a single light is a non-event. In a case where it's really, really, dark and you really can't see well enough on one bulb, the odds are that the bright is still working fine. The odds that the second light will immediately go and that you'll be driving with no regular light is significantly less than the odds that the janky bulb stuff in the glove compartment or rattling in the trunk will have failed due to rough handling. This is simply a non-issue for any reasonable person, even if it really pisses you off.

Comment Re: Dupe (Score 1) 840

I used to replace in pairs, don't anymore. (The bare halogens are best just left alone. On my current car, the left bulb lasted 6 years longer than the right.)

The one in the trunk is likely to fail from rattling around in the trunk.

And regardless of whether I had a spare bulb, I'd never stop on the side of the road to change it, I'd just drive on the remaining light until a more convenient time.

Comment Re:Note to capitalists: business model (Score 1) 840

Hmm. Seems to me it's also good for the following points of view:

1) Miniaturization
2) Reduced cost and/or power consumption via increased integration
3) Improved ergonomics (case design not dictated by repair requirements)
4) Aerodynamics
5) Durability (repairability generally requires additional access points, fasteners, etc., which are themselves points of failure)

Or maybe there are no rational reasons to design things in way that's hard to repair, and it's all just a big conspiracy.

Comment Re: Dupe (Score 1) 840

Who the heck replaces a headlight on the side of the road in the dark? You'd have to 1) have the lightbulb and 2) (probably because of #1) already be down one headlight (they do come in pairs). The optimal solution would be to just get the bulb replaced when it burns out rather than being a lazy SOB and driving around with a bulb in the trunk without actually installing it.

Comment Re:Yeah, sure (Score 1) 840

Replacing a screen makes economic sense for only a vanishingly small period of time, after which it's cheaper to ebay an entire phone than to procure the parts. Some people want to master the skill of changing such things out, just as there are people who want to master the skills of flint knapping or making homespun fabric. But that's just because they want to, not for any practical reason.

Comment Re:Why the banks support a standard 2 factor syste (Score 1) 71

Or you can save the expense and skip the second factor altogether--which is an acceptable risk for almost everyone.

Side note: a second factor token isn't buying much for the attacks we're seeing in the real world. (Compromised endpoint; and no, it doesn't take personal targeting for someone to go active once a user on a compromised host has been identified as using a bank with a scripted attack pattern.) What you really want to stop theft in that scenario is an out of band channel, like SMS confirmation. But then you've got a different set of problems with mobile malware potentially being able to spoof that. Picking just one attack vector, choosing an arbitrary mitigation, then criticizing the banks for implementing the mitigation in too stringent a fashion because your arbitrary standard is "good enough" seems...myopic at best.

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