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Comment Trial project underwater (Score 1) 917

Why not start with a trial project under water? Apart from some minor differences (gravity, increased pressure from the water etc) you have an equally hostile environment to human life. If they could survive for more than a few years whilst only receiving limited imports of supplies, then you could take it to the moon. Certainly the learning curve will be more gentle. Saving a few hundred billion on a return trip is kind of pointless if all your astronauts are dead after 6 months.

Comment Upgrade them to HD (Score 1) 404

I agree the cameras should be upgraded to HD, I always watch the crime and car chase TV programs and its a a shame not to have the footage captured in glorious Hi Def. Also if the timecode and other overlays where captured to an alpha channel then it could be removed for TV broadcast, or just be replaced completly when being used to frame an innocent civilian. The camera may 'replace' an actual coppers eyes (and be more cost efficient) but it cant actually run down the street and stop a crime and the reality is... if only 1 in 1000 cops stopped a crime per year the public would be asking "What are they doing the rest of the time?"

Comment Re:Touch vs. Tablet and hype (Score 1) 257

>> when there are no actual units being sold>> I just came from a meeting with Next Window... and they have sold 150k+ units of the first model with HP.

I guess the fact that Windows 7 Operating System is multi-touch enabled makes the whole idea of having a touch screen more attractive. Next ARE selling units believe me and the from the Stats I've seen the PC makers believe they will move from an 80/20 mix of Non-touch/Touch enabled PC's by the end of this year, to an 20/80 mix (with 80% of PC's being Touch enabled) by the end of next year. Why wouldn't you pay the extra $100 for the touch screen?

If you've seen 3-4 year old kids use an iPhone and then try to touch the screen of a normal PC, you would understand that this is the future of user interfaces. Removing one level of abstraction (moving the mouse here... moves the pointer over here) really makes for a much nicer experience IMHO.

Sure its not for everyone or every task (I'm thinking gaming, designers and programmers)... but in a general day to day interaction with a computer... especially in a business presentation, education environment or general day to day browsing... it really works.

Now being a Mac user... I'm jealous, hurry up Apple, can we have a touch enabled iMac please?

Comment Turn it into a 'Reality' show and profit (Score 1) 693

It worked for Ozzy Osbourne and his family. Survivor Little Britain anyone?

But seriously... what will putting a camera on these people 24/7 show? Its already understood there is a problem, having a camera to observe the problem doesn't do anything towards solving that problem. The solution of "make it easier to arrest these criminals" doesnt stand up to scrutiny... where would you put them all?

Why not spend 400m pounds (or other ridiculous amounts printed in crappy tabloids) on improving education and 'income assistance' where low wage earners have their wage topped up to make it more worth their while to get that low paying starter job? Not paying welfare beneficiaries any actual money (food coupons and essential utilities payed for instead) may help on the misspending.

This type of downward evolutionary spiral can not be combated from within... by applying opposing force, you simply make them push back harder (making their focus "how do I beat the law?" rather than "how do I make a better life for myself?"), the solution is to prevent new people from entering the vicious cycle and provide as many opportunities for people to leave it as possible. The reality is that human conditioning is very hard to change (even if the subject is willing) but hope is a very strong feeling and a small taste can stay with people for a lifetime.

Of course if you have a controlling elite that deliberately works at undermining the lower class to keep them dumbed down and locked into low income 'slavery', then you would need to resolve that issue first.

Plan V anyone?

Comment Re:In Ancient Times (Score 4, Informative) 217

When laws hurt more than they help, they need to be changed or abolished.

Or in this case just not established in the first place. Thankfully the New Zealand Prime Minister has delayed the implementation of Section 92a and it may well be suspended. A big thank you has to go out to all those who took part in the Internet Blackout NZ... blacking out NZ websites and profiles on popular social networking sites in protest of the proposed changes.

Comment Its comparing Apples and Linuxes really (Score 1) 596

Apples OSX does not come with any crappy activation key or other pain in the a$$ copy protection system, so their actual install base could be way higher than reported. Of course you still need Mac hardware to install OSX on, but there is nothing to stop you (except the law) from buying 1 copy of OSX and updating all the Macs in your building.

>OSX can only realistically come from one over priced manufactuer where as Linux is free and can be installed on any machine.

Overpriced? Thanks, but my time is valuable... I'd rather pay the very reasonable price and have the OS up and running in an hour than spend days messing around with Linux trying to get some driver working. Please dont compare apples with linuxes. Its called 'choice'... use it and enjoy the results.

I think the reason Microsoft see Linux as the competition is that Apple is in another league and as wfolta stated above 'every Windows box is a potential Linux box'.


Submission + - what is the perfect coder's chair?

DragonTHC writes: "I am faced with sitting for long periods of time to do the majority of my work as a consultant. It seems that truly ergonomic chairs cost more than $700 these days. What kind of office chair should I get that will save my back and keep me from getting the DVTs in my legs? What chairs are out there that I can afford on my small budget up to $300? What do other coders spend their lives sitting in?"
Wireless Networking

Submission + - WiFi Biologically Exposure Limits? (

SaffronMiner writes: "Dr. Nick Begich has released a public letter to introduce everyone to Cindy Sage's work at BioInitiatives, on how exposure to things like Cell Phones, and WiFi, are affecting our health.

From page 24 and page 587:

Although this RF target level does not preclude further rollout of WiFi technologies, we also recommend that wired alternatives to WiFi be implemented, particularly in schools and libraries so that children are not subjected to elevated RF levels until more is understood about possible health impacts.

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