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Comment Passing an inspection to stay running is NEW?! (Score 2) 229

So what have they done up to this point? Shouldn't all plants require safety inspections, all the time, and if they're not up to standards they get shut down? Age of the plant shouldn't matter at all -- in fact, a plant built 50 years ago should be held to the same standards as a plant built 2 years ago. It doesn't matter if putting generators in the basement next to the ocean was deemed to be okay in 1967. If current standards say your backup power has to be protected from tsunamis, then the plant has to be fixed, or shut down.

Comment Re:the way to go (Score 2) 743

Development environments and reference materials don't help you if you don't understand the logic.

When I ask people to write code or solve fizzbuzz-style problems, I tell them to do it in any language they want. I don't care about syntax errors, wrong function names, etc. I don't even care if you use % to take the modulus and your language doesn't even have a modulus operator, or you're writing in a language that doesn't even exist. What I care about that you knew you needed to use modulus, and really, that you solved the problem. If you can't solve fizzbuzz, how the hell are you going to write a multi-threaded high-performance ETL process?

Missing a semi-colon or closing brace doesn't make you a bad coder. An off-by-one error that you still can't spot after I hint at it, that may. Complete failure to solve the problem, well that definitely does.

Comment Re:Not bothered (Score 1) 1162

Funny.. I also don't have an HDTV* - my old cathode ray tube is still going strong, unfortunately, and I can't justify replacing it for no other reason than to replace it.

(*I do have an HDTV in my basement, which just means we end up watching most movies and stuff down there, the living room tube is for more casual viewing).

Comment Re:Not bothered (Score 1) 1162

Anecdote from a friend with kids (who are 6-8 years old):

They have always had a DVD player. One day, my friend hooked up his old VCR so they could watch some old movies he had on VHS. They thought it was an amazing new technology, because it had a great feature where if you took the tape out and then later put it back in, it resumed right away from where you left off.

Comment Re:How to setup a SMB mail server (Score 1) 459

You're bang-on with this. Reverse DNS entries and SPF are critically important. Your forward DNS should also match, eg; if you send from, you should have a PTR record for that IP to "" and "" should have an A record that points to

Though as you point out, not all "business class" IP ranges are created equally. Notably, if the ISP allows many other businesses to send spam (from virus infections) in the same range as your IPs, you'll probably eventually be blacklisted as well.

This setup will get you a good outbound setup. I did something similar when I joined the company I'm at now, though took it a step further, and because we have some servers in a data center anyways, I changed our Exchange server to relay it's outbound mail (aka use the stupidly-named "smarthost" thing) to a server running postfix, when then sends to the rest of the internet. The reason I did this was two-fold: I don't really trust our cable co's IPs, and we have a secondary DSL line: if we fail-over to that, I still wanted outbound email to work. This setup allows both, since our mail always comes from an IP in our datacenter netblock. In the 2.5 years we've been using it, we've had no problems with people getting our mail.

The other side of this is inbound: personally, inbound mail on a cable modem hosted in a regular office is a recipe for disaster, eventually. In fact, one of our clients had it happen to them, their office flooded, and their ability to get email was down for several days while they tried to get a new server up and relocate it. Email was actually bouncing back to people sending to them, because nothing was responding. Since their phones were also down at first, it looked like they were out of business, except that they called us to tell us what was going on. You don't want this to happen to your business.

When I first did the email setup described above, I also got an account at dyndns using their Mailhop Forward service. Effectively, you point your MX records at their server, and then they deliver mail via SMTP to your (possibly dynamic) IP. If the office connection goes down, they spool mail for you for up to a week, and deliver it once you come back online. No mail lost, even if your connection is down. In a disaster, you can easily redirect the service to send to another mail server, without having to wait for DNS changes to propagate and all those other servers to retry sending and/or people to manually re-send.

Since then, we got tired of the spam (whatever crappy software we had that integrated with Exchange sucked), and so probably a year ago, we switched to Messagelabs, which provides a similar service to Mailhop but also does virus/spam filtering. Spam went to effectively 0. I HIGHLY recommend using an external company for this.. it costs us a few dollars per person, well worth it, and we don't have to manage anything ourselves. I see Dyndns is now offering something similar as well, I can't vouch for that service specifically but we continue to host our DNS with Dyndns and I have nothing but good things to say about them.

Comment Re:The problem is people (Score 1) 409

Security that relies on a policy of changing passwords regularly is inherently flawed. Generally when that policy is enacted, you're also forced to not reuse passwords, and have fairly high complexity.. the combination of which leads to passwords that most people can't remember, and so you end up with sticky notes underneath keyboards with passwords.

The reasons you'd want to require people to change passwords are to try and protect the system if other people know the password. The problem is, at the very best, it allows the compromise to happen for a few weeks/months until the next password change. That's more than enough time to do a lot of damage, extract info, etc. So I'd say the policy totally fails in that respect. This includes causal password sharing among co-workers ("hey, can you on to my email to get me that phone number?").

You're also right about being forced to have a "different enough" password.. but consider people who use passwords like "winter2011". The next one will be reasonably different, on a character-by-character basis, but I bet you can still guess what it will be..

So really, password policy is only a small part. Force some amount of complexity, but it doesn't need to expire. Instead, the IT infrastructure needs to detect and handle compromise by itself. Multiple invalid password attempts should gradually take longer to respond (so after your 4th wrong password, it might take 10 seconds to respond, and soon after that take 30 seconds to respond), which makes brute force attacks infeasible. A user logging in simultaneously from multiple locations should at the least be flagged. Logging in at odd times, or new locations should be flagged (if an employee who works in New York and doesn't travel is suddenly trying to log in from Nigeria, something is probably not right). Restrict what they have access to.

Of course, all of this actually makes the IT department do actual work, instead of blaming users when a compromise happens. I mean, IT even sent a memo saying not to write down or share passwords, how can they be blamed that the user didn't listen? And yet, that's the mentality that puts these stupid policies into effect, despite a couple decades of it not working.

Comment Re:More sensible option (Score 1) 202

Or just buy a long HDMI cable.. or HDMI-over-Cat5 adapter.. or (if you have the luxury during construction or like to retrofit) install HDMI in your walls. This is just .. too obvious. It's probably less effort and more effective than trying to soundproof a PC, cheaper than liquid cooling+SSD drives, and is stil noise-free for anyone in the room not using headphones.

I had one of my mythtv frontends (which also happened to be the server - lots of fans/drives, quite noisy) in the utility room behind the wall my TV is mounted on. HDMI and USB cable coming in was all I needed, and I had a remote (and keyboard/mouse - when needed), and sound/video. And it was totally silent. (I've since switched to another system with a no-moving-parts frontend, so now it sits in the same room).

Comment Re:well.. (Score 1) 383

The 20 seconds spent by a slow typist is likely more than double the time spent by a decent typist. That is (lets say) 13 seconds more time spent thinking about typing that could have been used to think about programming.

I also think that spending so much extra time thinking about typing makes the poor typist more likely to (partially) forget what the next line was going to be, and thus spend more time thinking about it.

Personally, I think more in 'sections' than lines, and when I think up a way to write a particular bit of code - which may involve a loop iterating through an array, for example - I can just pound out that section very quickly. This lets me get thinking about the next block sooner, since I spend almost no energy thinking about typing.

There's definitely also times where my typing is too slow for my thought process - for example I decide to solve some particular problem, I need to write a class to represent my data and a collection class to hold it - and so my brain is waiting for my fingers to catch up so I can actually start writing the real logic. I don't know if that's really a good explanation; I just get into spurts where tens of lines of code just stream out very quickly, and then I sit back for a few seconds to think, before streaming out another chunk of code.

Comment Re:Who still uses a local email client? (Score 1) 234

Using ISP email accounts is stupid regardless of the way you access it.

I switched to using gmail after hosting my own email for many years.
  1. I was using Thunderbird, which was okay, but did consume some resources and make things slow.
  2. I was running webmail using Horde, which was fairly clumsy although usable.
  3. I hated that I had to have Thunderbird open (at least somewhere) in order for my filters to work. This was particularly annoying whenever I was away from my own computers, and accessing via crappy (compared to Thunderbird) webmail client.
  4. I was running my email through a commercial spam appliance, plus had RBL lists on my server, plus had Bayesian rules trained in Thunderbird, and yet still got a few spam's a week in my inbox.
  5. I had switched PC a few times over the years I was running mail. The first time or two I manually re-created my rules. Then I found an import/export add-on that could move filtering rules. Then I got a laptop, and used both my laptop and desktop an equal amount - keeping filtering rules in sync was a pain.

Finally, after I got my current laptop, I got sick of the whole mess (and the spam), and changed my account to forward to gmail. I've been doing that for at least a year now, and I could count on one hand the number of spam's I've got. My only complaint is that the rules aren't as complex as what I could make in Thunderbird, but the searching is sufficiently accurate and fast that having as many folders as I used to have is simply not that important anymore.

Gmail is set to send 'from' my domain (not my gmail address), so to anyone else, it's transparent.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 521

Basically the only reason to see Avatar was the 3D.

I thought the way they made the Avatar characters was pretty neat:

Cameron also had a monitor rig that he could hold on set - it was motion-tracked as well, and basically gave a real-time view into the rendered scene, so he could move it around like a virtual camera. I'm not entirely sure but it seemed (from a longer making-of video) like they actually used that as a "camera" at points, so even the camera tracking had a human-hand-held feel at times.

Comment Re:VOIP (Score 1) 258

I do use VoIP, and I "spoof" in two specific situations:

Since I got a cell phone through my work, I had my old cell phone number (which I'd had for like 7 years, and it spells my name) ported to VoIP (I keep both numbers and have separate personal/work numbers, and only carry one device). Now when you call it, it simultaneously rings the phone in my home office, and my cell. When it calls my cell, it "spoofs" the outbound call to appear as though it's coming from whoever ACTUALLY called my number, so on my cell phone the caller id shows the true caller, and not as if someone at my house is calling.

The other time I use it is as a secondary VoIP service. I only have one inbound number (DID) for my "house" number, which is tied to a specific provider. I have another provider that is setup as a secondary service, in the case I try to make a call and the first is unreachable, or rejects my call for any reason. I don't have a DID with that provider, only outgoing service. So when I place calls from that line, I "spoof" my house DID number, so it doesn't show up as blocked or some random CLID.

Unfortunately, I don't see how they can distinguish these two uses from actual malicious spoofing, but I'm not in Mississippi (or the US for that matter) so this doesn't apply to me now.

Comment Re:It's the freeloaders time (Score 1) 1051

I'm the same way. I don't have an uncontrollable urge to click and buy things from every ad I see -- do all these adblock users have that? I understand for the annoying ads (punch the monkey, etc), but really, I'll just stop going to the site. Likewise with NoScript. What is people's obsession with not running scripts? Many apps and sites make huge use of scripts, and that's what's enabling us to get to the point where so many apps are online, running in a browser. Nothing to install, update, etc, and the apps are getting very powerful and functional. Do you want to go back to the old days of platform-specific native apps? It's like people have gotten to that age where new technology is scary.. no doubt this same conversation happened when going from 3270 terminals to PC, and from text-mode to graphical UI, etc.

Comment Re:won't switch to Chrome yet (Score 1) 273

I was in the same boat, just found smooth gestures - it works quite well, though I also had to install smooth gestures new tab because otherwise it doesn't work on the "new" tab that shows thumbnails etc.

I've started using Chrome on my laptop now, mostly because Firefox inexplicably started taking up many hundreds of megs of RAM and becoming very slow after a day or two, to the point I had to restart. I have some extensions installed (firebug, firecookie, web developer, gestures) but nothing that I don't have installed on other systems.

Anyways, it's noticeably faster than FF, and so far I like it. No real complaints for my laptop surfing so far (which is reading news, email, and random research/documentation/surfing).

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