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Comment Still better than PLANET... (Score 5, Funny) 185

Some years ago, part of my tech support job was to set up PLANET ADSL modem/wifi routers. I quickly noticed that the admin login / password was embedded in most configuration pages. But not to worry, they had cleverly hidden them with this brilliant security technique :



Comment Re:IBM's hardware vendor mind is taking over (Score 1) 863

Zend Studio is based on Eclipse, which is written in Java, with portability in mind from the start. So it's not a very good example of "Windows software [which] can run on Linux".

And I don't think wine is a poor way to run windows software under linux. More and more software developers recommend using wine to run their windows software under Linux (Spotify works really well under wine/linux). And I played WoW under wine for years without any issue.

Comment Re:About that... (Score 1) 863

4GB is nowhere near sufficient for Ubuntu. On my eeepc 901, large updates regularly fail because of lack of disk space (I have / on the 4GB flash drive and /home on the 8GB one), and I haven't installed anything other than Firefox 3.5.

I'll switch to Arch tonight, Ubuntu works well on eeepcs but I don't feel like manually trimming the default install...

Comment Re:France just sucks (Score 4, Interesting) 356

I don't recall Bush promoting little boy rapping bastards as 'culture minister'.

May I remind you of this fine fellow named Dick Cheney ? How about Donald Rumsfeld ? They may not be pedophiles but they have fucked up the lives of much more people than Mitterand.

If you get Obama in 2012 it'll be awesome, your government's political parties will have a majority so powerful there is no way anyone can stop them from doing what they want, and yet nothing will continue to get done because they can't agree with themselves. I guess you haven't been paying attention to the actual politics in America, but Obama's presidency and the Democrat majority in congress has been nothing short of a joke. They have their entire team in office, everything is under their control, [...]

That's already the case for us. The opposition is a pathetic joke, Sarkozy has control of the governement and the media, he can do whatever he wants without any risk of backlash. He gets things done, problem is he's headed in a completely wrong direction.

[...]and they still can't get anything useful actually accomplished.

That's not the impression I'm getting from here, the healthcare reform seems much needed despite the public outcry (which I don't really understand BTW), but what do I know ? Guess I'm just a retarded european...

Comment Re:"If he were he subject to his own law" ?! (Score 2, Informative) 356

This was the first version of the law ("HADOPI 1"), which was overruled by the Constitutional Council precisely for this reason.

In HADOPI 2, a judge will order the suspension. But it will almost be an automatic ruling, you can't come and defend yourself, and the judge's decision will be based solely on the logs of the private firms which will monitor P2P networks.

Keep in mind that the Constitutional Council has not examined HADOPI 2 yet, and as this 2nd version is just as moronic and iniquitous as its predecessor, I think (hope, anyway...) that it will be torn to pieces by Chirac and his buddies.

Comment Re:France just sucks (Score 5, Informative) 356

Please don't mix up our joke of a governement with our entire country. The public opinion here is just as appalled as you are by this affair (even if the medias try to downplay it), this minister and this governement as a whole.

You (assuming you're american) had your G.W. Bush, we've got Sarkozy. I hope we'll get our Obama in 2012...

Comment Re:ehh (Score 1) 672

Well if out of a hundred identical bridges only one collapsed, I'd assume it was a construction defect. Do all unibody MBP bend like that ? As a prospective laptop buyer, that's the question I'd like answered.

Comment Re:IE (Score 1) 236

If you can install it, you could install the actual Chrome (or some other) browser aswell

From what I've seen, users won't even look at the "Get Firefox" link, and won't care about mentions such as "This website is optimized for $browser". But if they get a popup asking them to install a new plugin, they'll just click OK until the popups go away. IMO that's the big difference between Chrome and Chrome Frame.

Comment Re:please... (Score 1) 607

I wouldn't use it to monitor my (future) child's activies, but to be able to locate him in case something happens to him. I know, here on /. we like to make fun of the "think of the children" mentality, but I know that if my child was kidnapped or had an accident, I would be hitting my head against a wall everyday for not making him wear this kind of device.

Comment Re:I wonder if there's a provision (Score 1) 207

Where is France Pirate Party when you need one?

We have one, slowing getting into shape. It doesn't matter anyway, as all the consumer and internet defense groups have been ignored by the government.

Where is population support against this law?

The law isn't popular, but again that doesn't matter. And the general public doesn't really care anyway.

Sarkozy and his singer wife decided that this law should be passed, so it will be passed. He already sacrificed a minister to it, had the 1st version of it re-voted by the assembly when they voted against it, and hastily patched it when the constitutional council tore it apart. I really feel that there's nothing we can do to prevent this disaster, so I'll just watch and laugh/weep when the shit hits the fan.

Comment Re:Oh no! (Score 2, Informative) 207

I'm french, and have been following this law with attention (and disgust).

They threw in this provision because they'll prosecute people based on IP adresses collected on BT trackers and filesharing programs by private firms. When opponents of the law pointed out that it's trivial to gain access to a private wifi network, the ministry of culture decided to patch the law with this provision.

The "funny" thing is that in order to prove you've secured your network, you'll have to buy and install a non-free, windows-only spyware which will monitor your network. No words yet on the technical details of this program.

Comment Re:Dangerous reading. (Score 1) 464

Except Christian churches don't "sell" anything. There are (legal) ways to get a free bible, and you generally can attend a service without paying a cent. I guess it's the same with Islam and Judaism. I'm not a christian, but as the great-grandson of a pastor who was the kindest man I ever knew and who did a lot for his community while living in relative poverty, I daresay Christianity is not necessarily evil while COS definitely is.

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