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Comment Re:UAB says they're not compromised? (Score 1) 286

They just don't want people to know all their medical information got compromised as well. Just kidding (for now) but only a matter of time before some major RHIO/HIE/NHIN to be breached.

Comment Re:Waterbear (Score 1) 130

You must know of their">plans too and are trying to get on their good side. Like the Remora, a few lucky souls will be allowed to serve them in the Cave of Hops and Honey. It will involve a lot of temporal maintenance and cleanup; on the plus side, the Hilter Time Traveling Exemption ( will be lifted and whole cottage industry will be setup to assassinate him over and over again (that's why they used the Ruskies to steal his body, it's part of the Fugacious Firmament Flow Faunt).

Comment Totally true tale (Score 1) 130

They prefer the term Aquaursus. Bears' real name was originally in German which they spoke ... later they would go on to form ancient Slavic languages as well and star in Bugs Bunny cartoons. The Ursidae Cabal knew that knowing their real name with give power over them including being able to merge with one to become a werebear (you might heard of one .. ColBEAR). The story of owlbears is too gross, but Aquaursus were ancient protobears that evolved into a highly intelligent republic of entities - retaining individuality while having the benefits of a hive collective. They are waiting on humanity to fuck up and/or help them crack the Earth Egg releasing their next form: the Space Bear. (BTW, humanities real name, given to us by the Honeybadgers, is also lost. It translates to "Givers of Plastic" or "Suckers" depending on who believe.)

Also see, Hayao Miyazaki's "Howl's Moving Castle" which is an allegory for this tale.

"Winged bear? Oh My God it's the end times!" - crow, 814 - Riding With Death

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