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Comment Everquest didn't have forums (Score 4, Insightful) 833

In the old EQ days (I know it's still around but who cares these days), all the forums for the game were run by the fans because there were no official ones. I have a feeling this change will cause similar forums to rise in popularity and Blizzard will accomplish little other than losing control of the conversation and pissing off their users.

Submission + - Blizzard to Display Real Names in Forum Posts

Selfbain writes: According to this blue post, Blizzard will soon be transitioning to RealID and once the transition is complete, all forum posts will display the posters real first and last name with no option to disable it.

Comment Re:Well this sucks!!!! (Score 3, Insightful) 284

Why should we let Apple (or any other company) abdicate responsibility for their supply chain?

I'm not saying we should. It's just disingenuous to call it "Apple's plant" which I've seen repeated over and over again. Lots of companies contract Foxconn and Apple seems to be the only one trying to fix the problem so why are they the one being singled out for criticism.

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