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Comment Re:Author means filemon not diskmon (Score 1) 356

It still tells you which process is thrashing the disk, which is what he wanted to find out.

That would be interesting indeed, but how do I do that? I just downloaded it to try it, but the only columns I see are a sequence number, time, duration, the disk number, request type, sector number and length. I can't find a process ID or process name anywhere.

Comment Re:Another stupid move by ubuntu (Score 1) 900

Again, what are you talking about?

- If you really want a root session, no problem, you can start one using sudo -s.
- You don't need to be root to run ifconfig to view your network address. Every user can run it; you just have to add /sbin to your search path or run it as /sbin/ifconfig.
- You can add yourself to the adm group, which will enable you to read most log files without having to become root
- Using sudo you can easily execute commands as root without having to open a root session

Comment Sounds just like over here ... (Score 1) 717

Roads here in Belgium are largely in bad shape too. Maintenance is eternally in catch-up.

(I remember a holiday with my parents some 20-25 years ago to what was then Yugoslavia, which had a reputation of being a much poorer country than Belgium. Indeed, it struck us that almost all crash barriers were rusty. Skip 20-25 years; now almost all crash barriers in Belgium are rusty too... Also it used to be the case that, on return from France to Belgium, one could easily notice the location of the border by the improvement in road quality; nowadays it is the other way around)

I don't know whether the problem is corruption or just because of the fact that government has to buy from the lowest bidder. In any case roads deteriorate faster than they should, I guess because the foundations are not as good or deep as they should be.

It always amuses me when I drive to the Netherlands and I see signs "attention: bad road surface ahead". Those bad roads are often better than anything we have over here (with only a bit of hyperbole).

Comment Re:Mouse wiggling not that unusual, surprisingly (Score 1) 655

My guess is that the program does a lot of work in OnIdle() or equivalent (which is called every time the last message from the message queue is processed, so it's not called if there are no messages to process). Moving the mouse generates messages, triggering OnIdle().

I've seen behavior like that in Putty, when pasting data from the clipboard when using a serial connection.

Comment Re:Well it sounds better than (Score 4, Informative) 291

The carbon absorbed by the phytoplankton is used as energy source by successively larger animals in the food chain. To extract energy from it they burn it, releasing the resulting CO2 to the water. From there it eventually gets back in the atmosphere.

In other words, the whole process is CO2-neutral instead of being a CO2-sink as was hoped for.

Comment Re:Mind Boggling Legacy Junk Still In Win 7 (Score 1) 483

Files that can't be move when they are open by another application?

That does suck, and they made improvements in Windows 7 from what I've seen. Now you will at least get told which app is locking a file.

Yes but from what I've read that only works if the process that opens creates an IFileIsInUse interface and associates it with the opened file. I might be wrong, but my guess is that it will only work for document-type files and not for all the other files that processes typically open.

Comment Re:Could rewrite, EU tries to kick Americans out. (Score 4, Insightful) 112

Outside of Ireland the the UK, Microsoft is simply not as big in Europe as it is in the states. Time and again I have heard the same story. Linux shops and linux systems are simply more common in mainland Europe than Microsoft systems.

What Europe are you speaking of?? I live in Western Europe (in Belgium); people, businesses and organizations use *much* more Microsoft systems than Linux systems. If you go to the store and buy a PC, it comes with Windows preinstalled. At work, our file/database/mail server runs Linux, but all the desktops run Windows. I know that many small businesses are like that, and that there are also a lot that are 100% Microsoft. Many people still don't realize that the computing world is larger than Microsoft alone (that is starting to change now, but more because of Apple than because of Linux).

Comment Re:IE Almost 70% -- Really? (Score 2, Informative) 640

Ikea, in Holland, gives you a 5% discount if you order with IE. Of course I'm not going to fire up Windows to order from Ikea! So, I simply "lie" and take 5% off.

I don't understand... if by 'Holland' you means the Netherlads, you can't even order online. From http://www.ikea.com/ms/nl_NL/customer_service/faq/faq.html#0301:

"2. Kan ik online producten bestellen?
Het is in Nederland helaas niet mogelijk om online producten te bestellen. Bij de IKEA winkel bij jou in de buurt kan je terecht voor al je aankopen en voor advies van onze medewerkers."

(rough translation: "2. Can I order products online? Unfortunately it is in the Netherlands not possible to order products online. ...")

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