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Comment Re:I'll die happy (Score 1) 251

The problem with that logic is you are more likely to die of a horrible agonizing illness if you eat unhealthily/too much. Eating too much doesn't just magically reduce your lifespan by a few years. It reduces your lifespan because it's hard on your body and makes you more prone to life-threatening diseases that you may have to suffer through.

You can still be healthy and eat a triple bacon burger with cheese too, you just can't do it every single day.

Comment Re:They need to innovate (Score 1) 161

Why? Because 99.9% of the time six cores at 2.8ghz is more than enough. Even games run perfectly

There are virtually no games that actually use 6 cores though, so 2 of those cores just sit idle doing nothing. There are a lot of games that still only use 2 cores too, for example Skyrim (one of the most popular games in recent years):,3074-9.html

That's one of the big problems with Bulldozer. In programs than can use all 8 cores it is somewhat competitive with 4 Intel cores, but in the programs that can't use 8 cores (quite a few) they get absolutely crushed by Intel.

Comment Re:Creativity (Score 1) 185

Do you really think it's illegal because of "right-wing lies"? Why did Obama recently refuse to even entertain the idea of decriminalizing marijuana, despite most of Latin America being in favor of it? Meanwhile Ron Paul wants to decriminalize ALL drugs, so the idea of it being "right-wing lies" is silly. It's POLITICIAN LIES, it has nothing to do with right vs left, Republican vs Democrat.

Don't you think it's more likely that there is a lot of profit to be made from privatizing the prison-industrial-complex and using the cheap prison (slave) labor? Or the CIA getting their cut by facilitating trade from Latin America, Afghanistan, etc?

Comment Re:I was surprised he was convicted on hate charge (Score 5, Insightful) 683

The whole idea of "hate crime" is pretty ridiculous anyway.

If you assault someone because you hate gays/minorities/etc, why is that worse than assaulting someone because you hate them individually? It just reinforces the idea that we should treat certain groups of people differently. Is that really the best way to address prejudice in society?

Does anyone really think some dumb asshole bigot is going to think "there are hate crime laws I better not commit this crime"?

Comment Re:What happened to austerity measures? (Score 1) 86

"Then again, I also think people who have diseases from drug abuse such as kidney/liver failure from drinking, lung cancer from smoking, hep-_ from shooting up, etc should be completely denied medical care. You made your bed, now die in it."

Interesting that you didn't include obesity and lack of exercise. That is arguably causing a lot more illness and costs to the healthcare system than drinking and drug use, and like alcohol/drugs it is down the responsibility of the individual.

The other issue is that it's nearly impossible to prove an illness/disease was caused by 1 specific activity. Lung cancer rates are much higher among smokers, but when you get down to the individual level it's very hard to prove (a certain number of people were going to get lung cancer anyway).

You also have to decide how much is too much (or a zero tolerance policy). If someone smoked a couple cigarettes when they were 16 should they be denied healthcare for the rest of their life? If that's the case there is virtually no one who would be eligible for healthcare.

How about someone who smoked for a couple months? A couple years? How about someone who smoked a couple cigarettes a year for their whole life (at new years or whatever)?

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