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Comment Re:I concur (Score 1, Insightful) 253

You seem to overlook the fact that computer programmers usually have tight schedule and budget constraints enforced by their supervisor or other management they report to, instead of by the customer (the scientist in this case). Get a computer programmer a gig as sweet as a scientist who can take his or her sweet time to do their research and give the programmer that same open ended time frame with decent equipment and no schedule constraints and you would have a much happier, involved, and more responsive computer programmer.

Comment Re:Speaking as a NASA employee (Score 1) 51

Oh No, are they finally going to crash it into the planet to get atmospheric data? I'm retired now, but I'm one of the thousands at JPL who worked on Cassini (I wrote the firmware for the BAIL subsystem among other things). I was kind of hoping they would just let it orbit Saturn in perpetuity just as the Voyager spacecraft will still exist long after Earth is gone (unless of course one or both crashes into something).

I used to get regular email updates on Cassini, but I've moved around and changed email addresses so many times I somehow stopped receiving them.

Comment Re:nothing to see here... (Score 1) 127

I'm actually replying to your "signature" line advertisement for Dreamhost. Their claim of 180GB storage and 1.8TB of monthly traffic is complete and total BS. I opened an account with them once when I actually had over 100GB of video data (legitimately my own files, not copyrighted or pirated stuff) to upload. Within a few hours of my beginning to upload all this data I began to receive "urgent" emails from Dreamhost telling me to cease and desist uploading files because I had exceeded both my allocated storage space and my traffic limit. When I did not comply (because after all, their claim to provide all that storage was the only reason I had opened an account with them in the first place), they deleted my account and refused to refund my first years payment. They're all crooks at as far as I am concerned.

Comment Re:This is good. (Score 1) 328

They have your credit card and a contract that says you promised to pay, and the credit card company will simply pay it and bill you. You won't have a leg to stand on when you complain.

That's why I use Citi-bank disposable credit card numbers whenever possible, so that I can cancel the credit card number I used for the purchase anytime I please (I create a unique credit card number for each merchant), and also limit the amount of money that can be charged to each credit card number to whatever I specify (as well as setting its expiration date to whatever I want).

Comment A cardboard box (Score 1) 371

I file important things like financial documents in a filing cabinet (oldest stuff purged after seven years or so) and toss the rest either into the trash, a crosscut shredder, or a cardboard box. I fill one cardboard box each year. At the end of the year I seal it, store it, and burn the oldest cardboard box and its contents which is typically three years old at that point.

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