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Comment Re:Community broadband (Score 1) 345

Some friends have tried satellite. It costs more for much poorer latency, as you note. And being on the north slope of the mountain doesn't help. It was my first house purchase and first time living in mountains so I haven't even had to think of these things before. Sigh - should have done more research.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Holding ISPs Accountable for Contracted DSL Bandwidth 2

mcleland writes: I'm not getting the bandwidth I paid for from my DSL connection. My "3mbps" fluctuates between about 2.7 during the day down to 0.1 or 0.2 in the evening according to Let's assume DSL is the only viable option for broadband at my house and I can't really move right now (rural area, on north face of the mountain, no cable service, very poor cell coverage). This was discussed 6 years ago but I'd like to see if there are any current thoughts on whether I'm just stuck or if there is some way to make the ISP hold up it's end.

Submission + - Some websites (including /.) dying ( 1

mcleland writes: Foxnews is running an article on how several popular websites have significantly dropped readership. Of interest here, they include Slashdot. According to their source, Slashdot dropped from 1M users in 2008 to 100K in April, but are back up to 500K now. Is that real? Does it square with /.'s internal logs? Is it logical to compare Slashdot with Myspace? Discuss!!

Comment Is the USNews Model good? (Score 3, Interesting) 163

If the US News & World Report model actually captures good things about a university, then what's wrong with attempting to match that model?

That a university tries to match what it considers a good model shouldn't be surprising. The validity of the model may be questioned. The methods to match the institution to that model may be questioned. But I don't see how attempting to get better under some model they consider good (by whatever criteria they pick) is bad.

I don't know enough about it to know if the USNews model is any good - maybe, maybe not. But I know that institutions I'm generally familiar with land about where I might expect in the rankings. Ivy leagues on top, small underfunded state colleges much lower.

Now, the claim that Clemson administrators purposefully rank other universities lower, that's a different matter. That is the most troubling claim to me in the whole bit. That action is highly unethical and I would be sorry to find out that it is true of Clemson, or anywhere for that matter.

Comment Re:Industrial! (Score 1) 491

I'll echo that - I'm an Industrial Engineer employed far from industry/manufacturing. The broad background in technical, management, and systems thinking has been very beneficial. Never got my PE license, though I'm not sure the tests would really measure something useful about me with respect to my career path.

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