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Submission + - Network interface operations for IPv4 and IPv6

BlueVoodoo writes: "This article is for developers on AIX® Version 5.3 with an interest in network-level operations for both Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) stack. Learn more about the socket I/O control (ioctl) commands and how to use them to perform various network-related operations.

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Submission + - Google dropped Talk.Orgins because of hacking

alek writes: "Yesterday, /. discussed "Google De-indexes Talk.Origins, Won't Say Why" with various tin-foil hat theories advanced. Today, Matt Cutts from the Google anti-spam team posted "How Google Handles Hacked Sites" and provides a blow-by-blow of what actually happened. In summary, Talk.Orgins was hacked, with hidden Javascript inserted to link to rape and animal sex web sites. Google's algorithms flagged this nefarious behavior as spam and did indeed de-index the site. They also flagged it in the WebMaster Console so the site owner would see this, plus even sent them Email that something was amiss — indications are they knew before the site owner did! Talk.Orgins has fixed the problem and Matt confirms that their re-inclusion request has been approved. While Google has a reputation for being non-communicative, they didn't do too shabby here IMHO."

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