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Comment Storage space needs to be budgeted in large corps (Score 1) 588

I was going to write something about how end users need to be aware of how much space things take and then the coffee kicked in.

How the fuck do you release a 41 GB mobile OS?

Simple: MS has any number of project teams, and they all need to write code to deliver features, but they don't account for disk space.

At some point, the hardware guys need to say, "okay, we can provide X GB of space for X dollars, more storage space is going to require more chassis space, thermal effects, $, etc."

Then that gets parceled out to the UX team, who get the vast bulk of the space, and to the installer team that parcels it out to software devs.

So making your software fit becomes a project deliverable, just like anything else. And then you can make trades, if UX complains, "hey, this loads slowly," you can say, "sure, that's because we compressed those files, if you'd like it to load faster, maybe we could 'buy' some space from Bob's team, or you can let us have some from the UX pool if you feel it's important enough."

Comment Re:Not 1609 kilometers... (Score 1) 263

It says "more than", and it is obvious from context that it doesn't exclude an effect for less than 1000 miles (actually, the absolute biggest effect of a city is at 0 miles distance for sure). Therefore it cannot be an exact number.

Also, how probable is it that a natural phenomenon agrees to four significant digits with a completely arbitrary length unit not based on that phenomenon?

If you ever work with large sets of data, you'd be amazed at how many events occur precisely at midnight, down to the nanosecond. /sarcasm

Comment Re:Two things. (Score 1) 165

1. This "story" is on Slashdot only because of the Australia connection.

Only thing worse than editors: people constantly bitching "I'm not interested thus this story shouldn't have been posted."

Some of us actually work in data analysis and find it interesting. Sorry everything can't be about the wonders of your roommates' basement.

Comment Re:I'm curious to see how many retailers actually (Score 0) 732

I still don't see how offering a discount for cash or debit customers actually hurts you hardcore cc users. Cash/debit customers cost the merchant less. It's that simple. Their costs are up to 4% higher for cc customers. I don't see why cash customers should be forced to pay it just to give cc customers the illusion that using a cc is free when it isn't.

Really? Those registers are free? Counting and hauling all that cash around is free? Losing money if they accept counterfeit bills doesn't cost them anything? Losing business when lines are long because people are laboriously counting cash and making change doesn't cost them business? There are no intangible costs, like the risk of armed robbery?

The assumption that cash is cheap is bullshit. No one works out how much it costs because there's no point: your customers would refuse to do business if you didn't accept cash. (Many would also claim that "it's legal tender, you have to take it", which isn't true, but again you'd be wasting time arguing with idiots.)

Credit cards only seem expensive to a business owner because the cost is a single line item that they can negotiate.

Comment Re:I'm curious to see how many retailers actually (Score 1) 732

If you think companies such as Apple pay per-transaction for things like the iTunes Music Store, you don't understand how commerce works for giant corporations.

If they don't work out an annual contract price for their card processing, or somehow do it themselves, they are a lot stupider than I thought.

They probably have the fees negotiated pretty low, but you'll notice that if you buy stuff you don't get charged right away. ITMS will bundle individual purchases together, and buying an album is slightly cheaper than buying the individual tracks.

Comment Re:Terrible editing (Score 1) 366

The submitter was probably a non-native English speaker so his language errors can be excused. What the hell is with the slashdot editing? Come on guys... it takes one minute to correct the mistakes in that summary.

One minute? If they wasted all that time editing, it would be three days and one minute after everyone else had covered the story!

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 305

His personal bankruptcy was annulled.

How do you annul a bankruptcy? And even if it's annulled, it did happen. He was bankrupt, even if, like the stars, it was only 23 hours between marriage and annulment. If that annulment mattered, then "Guy Hingston" should complete to "Guy Hingston bankruptcy annuled", and that would be perfectly fine.

Never heard of that, so google is my friend, and it turns out that you can "back out" of a bankruptcy, especially if the courts screw it up, and you're able to pay off your creditors.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 4, Informative) 220

Got proof?

Or is it just "They're nig-nogs and ragheads, so they're all criminals"?

You could RTFA:

"Although shops in all of Pakistan's major cities have been told of the ban, the game was still available on Friday in shops crammed with pirated CDs in the capital Islamabad."

In most ME countries they really don't give a fuck about piracy.

Comment Re:Okay, really (Score 1) 697

I realize that this guy's intentions are honorable, well maybe not, but this sounds like something that really shouldn't be done along the lines of Jurassic Park. With all of the problems in the world, we have a guy here who is trying to bring back an extinct race of people? Somehow I think that the old Nazi era eugenics movement never stopped.

Eugenics was a Progressive idea that started in Europe and the US long before the Nazis adopted it. "Three generations of imbeciles are enough!" comes from an 8-1 US Supreme Court decision, Buck v Bell in 1927.

Comment Re:Start socially and cooperatively (Score 2) 550

I second that. MMOs have big cult followings among women.

Women are just different. They are social beings. They want to integrate people and technology into their already existing lives. Not use it to get away as a stress reliever like men. The fact you need downtime makes them resentful. However if sheis included like in Wow has an appeal.

Women are, in aggregate, different, but I wouldn't go so far as to assume that any particular woman is that way.

What we do know is she's not a gamer, and that's more than just not knowing how the console works.

If it's a movie one person in a relationship doesn't like, they can zone out or just snuggle. With gaming, though, it's very different because if both parties aren't playing, the game is over.

Aside from the frustration of learning the game, not being good at it sucks, and losing sucks. You have to learn, when you're new at gaming, how to handle that frustration without it getting all personal or heated, or you're not going to enjoy it.

I think that's easier to do when there are people around and you're going to get more commentary and teasing from the peanut gallery, and that can be beneficial because you get more immediate feedback. But most of all you can just stop and let someone else take the controller and not feel like you're obliged to be playing.

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