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Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 606

Why? Is it now acceptable to turn public Internet into segregated "fee-speech" zones? The potential fr slippery slope is simply overwhelming here, what next - one is only allowed to say he is an atheist on "official" atheist forums? Facebook is not a public service, it's just some guys website he runs for profit. There is no "official" April Jones page, it's all just weasel words.

Comment Re:Hackerspace != Political Correct (Score 1) 1127

That was an outrageous incident, agreed. But no, I'm not going to retreat from the room just because a woman *feels* uncomfortable near me, does not do eye contact, blah-blah (that's the signs listed in blog of the female attendee allegedly "harassed" at readercon). If you do not like to be near me just go away yourself.

Comment Re:Why Forbes name Ballmer one of the worst CEO? (Score 1) 462

I expected a reply from you and as usual you do not see the forest behind the trees. Microsoft is a dinasaur of the desktop era and as desktops are quickly disappearing from peoples desks (it's been a while since I saw an actual desktop as a home PC) so is Microsoft. Even worse - people keep spending more time performing tasks traditionally reserved on home PCs (noteooks now) on their smartphones and tablets and since Windows phones are such a non-starter in this market every time somebody buys and iOS or Android device it's a loss for Microsoft. In the *professional* desktop Microsoft is still kind but it's also becoming to erode with cloud/broswer apps making underlyng OS irrelevant. So thank you for the finme job Microsoft, we will take it from here.

Comment Re:There's no starship with just an ion drive (Score 1) 589

Why should someone be punished with higher taxed percentage for being successful? This is the reason why EU economy is so totally fucked right now. Educated people and enterpreneurs are fleeing that social-democratic hell hole for US. Even linix fled the socialist paradise of Finland, and got US citizenship.

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