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Comment Re:Wrong question (Score 1) 307

We don't need your mexicans, we have lots of immigrants of our own. Turks, Marrocans, africans, chinese, you name it.

But why are you so upset by the mexicans. As far as we in the old world see it, the US is just a buch of immigrants who kicked some primitives out of their country and claimed it as the home of the brave...

You my dear "Bing Tsher E" are the immigrant who needs to get put on a boat and let the indians roam free again.

Comment In europe they are going to do somethin about it (Score 1) 307

This just hit the news here in Europe:

Britain, France and Germany back multinational tax clampdown

(Reuters) - The British, French and German governments launched a joint initiative on Saturday to crack down on tax avoidance by multinational companies that will be presented to a G20 finance leaders meeting in July.

I hope it's not all talk....

Comment Re:Could this be the NSA's secret crack? (Score 1) 33

Well it's not so far fetched as you think. They talk about it themselves:

Meanwhile, over in Building 5300, the NSA succeeded in building an even faster supercomputer. “They made a big breakthrough,” says another former senior intelligence official, who helped oversee the program. The NSA’s machine was likely similar to the unclassified Jaguar, but it was much faster out of the gate, modified specifically for cryptanalysis and targeted against one or more specific algorithms, like the AES. In other words, they were moving from the research and development phase to actually attacking extremely difficult encryption systems. The code-breaking effort was up and running.

The breakthrough was enormous, says the former official, and soon afterward the agency pulled the shade down tight on the project, even within the intelligence community and Congress. “Only the chairman and vice chairman and the two staff directors of each intelligence committee were told about it,” he says. The reason? “They were thinking that this computing breakthrough was going to give them the ability to crack current public encryption.”

Start buying more tinfoil!

Comment Re:As a European (Score 1) 151

What about the arguments against censorship of people. Hypothetical Bob has his account on Facebook and wants everything about him removed from Facebook. Susan remembers Bob before he went crazy and wants to keep his picture up from their wedding. Does Bob's desire to remove himself from Facebook trump Susan's right to remember her husband as he was before he took the crazy train out of town?

What's so crazy about removing yourself from facebook. YES his right to remove himself from Facebook trumps Susan's right to have their wedding picture on Facebook. If she want's to remember him, frame a picture and hang it on the friggin wall. I don't get why people should have the right to post Bob's picture on FB at all.

Personally I threaten everybody with murder so they don't put any pictures of me on facebook.

Comment Re:And here is the solution (Score 1) 130

Remember this is a rain forest. You would need quite a lot of energy as the water absorbs the EMP and a big tree will act as grounded antenna

External antennas will also absorb EMP energy and the larger
the antenna the more it will absorb. Any large metal structure will collect or absorb EMP energy; if it is
grounded such as a water tower might be, then the energy will dissipate into the earth

Comment Re:vs MATE? (Score 1) 162

Have been using Cinnamon with Fedora 17 for over a year now and never looked back. At first there were some very anoying bugs, but at the moment it works very well and stable.

The only times I remember that don't run the default is when I install a new desktop. And the first thing I do is switch desktops. Just like I only use IE on windows to download an alternative browser.

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 104

And you all do this from separate internet connections and different browsers? If not, they still now it's you and they don't care if some of them are false.
They just aggregate all the data from all the accounts tied to you.
Even then, the more accounts FB has (even fakes), the more money they make. Or do you think they believe themselves all their users a real when they advertise their > 1 billion+ users.

Comment Re:Privacy Advice: Get a FB account (Score 1) 104

Naturally I'd like to shoot people as I have no facebook account. ......But I also don't have guns.
Why should I have to change my behaviour because I maybe suspect?? What you are saying here is the same thing people told you in the former USSR etc.
I think I'd rather move to North Korea then the US at the moment.

Comment Re:Big Brother (Score 2) 97

His team's Guardian Angels project aims to develop wearable, self-powered gadgets than can warn their users of danger, encourage them to exercise, and collect environmental and health information that could be of use to doctors.

After actually reading the article, it's not Big Brother I fear the most.........
Clippy is far, far worse and should be treated as the plague

Comment Re:Big Brother (Score 1) 97

But you have to respect the way they market it. It's not big brother but angels watching you!
Sort of the "Ministry of Love" (Torture and Interrogation) and the "Ministry of Truth" (Propaganda) in 1984.

Maybe all the psycho stalkers en pedofiles out there should also rebrand themself as guardian angels.

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