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Comment Re:Now? (Score 1) 477

Not until they stop paying children of postal employees $10-$12 per hour to "work" at "summer internships". The pay has probably gone up, too. I had an internship in 1997, and until a few years ago it was the highest paying job I'd ever had.

Comment Re:Learn to dance (Score 1) 1354

If you're a girl geek, the gender ratio is dramatically in your favor, and you're guaranteed not to stay single for long. My male friends often ask me for advice on dating/relationships on the mistaken assumption that girls instinctively understand that stuff. I've made similar suggestions to wonkavader: find a social hobby/activity where the gender ratio is in your favor (dance is a good one) and get to know people. The only thing is, women generally still expect the guy to make the first move, so if you're really shy, that could be a problem.

Comment Re:A more obvious association.. (Score 1) 266

I would argue that it's also possible that a preference for staying indoors is correlated with undiagnosed asthma. Especially when the weather is hot and humid, it can be very unpleasant for a child with asthma to play outside. Kids would very likely prefer to stay inside their climate-controlled house, where they're more comfortable.

Comment Re:you mean there are places that DO respect priva (Score 1) 284

Finland generally does have strong privacy laws, and even this law gives employers very limited rights compared to, for example, employers in the USA. The law would allow employers to log who users are sending mail to and who they are receiving it from in cases where they suspect an employee is leaking company-proprietary information. Afaik, the actual contents of the message are off limits. There has been plenty of public controversy over this, so I am still hopeful that the Finnish people value their privacy and are willing to stand up for it.

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