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Comment Re:Here is how GPL does allow (Score 1) 782

Parent is absolutely correct. The freedom to do what we wish with the software includes the freedom to sell. In parent's link, there is another link with further elaboration on the subject: Selling Free Software

The second paragraph really says it all: "Actually we encourage people who redistribute free software to charge as much as they wish or can. If this seems surprising to you, please read on." (Emphasis mine)

In short, the developer who thinks that selling GPLed software is against the spirit of the GPL is simply wrong.

Comment Re:screenshots? (Score 1) 871

It's been a few years since Ubuntu's default color scheme was the wash of dark brown you're describing as fecal. If your bodily wastes are anything like the orange colors that Ubuntu have used for most of their theme work for the past several releases (at least as of the last time I used it about a year ago), it might be a good idea for you to see a doctor.

I remember the controversies about the relative merits of the default brownness of the early editions of Ubuntu. The people who disliked it (apparently like parent poster) did so intensely and vocally; most people didn't really care, or were satisfied to change the color scheme if and when they felt like it without complaining about anything; and then another group of people actually liked seeing something other than blue for once. (Admittedly, I was among this last group.)

If I remember correctly, one of the reasons for using browns, reds, and yellows was that Ubuntu was conceived as an international distribution, designed to be pleasing to the eyes of people from cultures other than American, as not every culture has such strong preferences for blue (or other strong, vivid primary colors) as we do. I have no idea if they succeeded in this, but the rationale seemed compelling.

Comment Re:Similar to Windows hate? (Score 1) 503

Adding to what Stewbacca posted, there are a couple things that seem to need pointing out. Just within the context of the Latin alphabet, the transition between having an all-caps system and the direct progression of advances that led to having a majescule/miniscule system like we have today took about five hundred years (the Uncials begat the Half-uncials begat the Carolingians). This span of five hundred years was one in which the nature of literacy changed, and though almost everyone who was literate was clergy, the clergy was really interested in getting the bible and other religious texts written as quickly and neatly as possible to aid in the dissemination of their ideas.

Additionally, the nature of writing changed: instead of needing an alphabet that could be flexible enough to work not only on stone, wax, or paper* (and here with brush or quill pen), almost everything was being done on paper with pens.

In any event, it's not that text in uppercase was too difficult to read before the advent of lowercase. Rather, it's that once we saw the benefits of the more varied letterforms (ascenders! decenders! clear visual distinction between sentences!) we found that all of a sudden it was easier to read long texts than before.

* by 'paper', I mean everything from pulp paper to papyrus to animal skin vellum or parchment and any other variation on this theme. We use sticky notes; ancient Romans used wax tablets.

Comment Re:Similar to Windows hate? (Score 1) 503

There was no minuscule alphabet using Latin or Greek letterforms until the 8th or 9th Century. The Greco-Roman buildings to which you refer were written before there was really such a concept as all caps being different than any other kind of writing.

You and parent poster are onto something there, though. Lowercase forms (at lease using Latin letters, but likely also Greek) were conceived to make handwriting faster, consistent, and more legible than the quasi-cursive quasi-lowercase letterforms that immediately preceded them. Before the minuscules, all letters essentially fit into their own little boxes -- a matter that in the 20th Century made them easier to punch into cards with a 7x5 template (or something similarly simple). Minuscules weren't really feasible until displays could handle significantly greater resolution; but, once that resolution became available, the benefits of legibility (and the opportunities of having two of every letter) gave us the flexibility of lowercase.

Comment Re:No Ubuntu? (Score 1) 170

It needs some patches to compile on modern systems, since development stopped before gcc4 was being used. It's not hard to find patches, and checkinstall would turn it into a package. I suppose there's a possibility that there's a 3rd party package out there somewhere, but not being an Ubuntu user, I can't make any guarantees. There's also a possibility that gcc3 is still available in the Ubuntu repositories, in which case there would be no need for the patches.

Ancestry Surprises From New Genetics Analysis Method 223

An anonymous reader commends a recently published study involving a new way to analyze genetic variation in human populations (full article published in PLOS Genetics): "[S]cientists from Ireland, the UK and the US analysed 2,540 genetic markers in the DNA of almost 1,000 people from around the world whose genetic material had been collected by the Human Genome Diversity Project. The results include a number of surprises... the Yakut people of northern Siberia were found to have received a significant genetic contribution from the population of the Orkney Islands, which lie off the coast of Scotland... there must have been a period of gene flow from northern Europe to east Asia. The study also shed light on the peopling of the Americas, as the results suggest that the native populations of north and south America have different origins."

From GNOME to KDE and Back Again 369

Slashdot's own Roblimo has an interesting introspective on what makes us so prone to liking one window manager over another. More than likely it's just the inherent laziness of most users that precludes change. "I used KDE as my primary desktop from 1996 through 2006, when I installed the GNOME version of Ubuntu and found that I liked it better than the KDE desktop I'd faced every morning for so many years. Last January, I got a new Dell Latitude D630 laptop and decided to install Kubuntu on it, but within a few weeks, I went back to GNOME. Does this mean GNOME is now a better desktop than KDE, or just that I have become so accustomed to GNOME that it's hard for me to give it up?"

Anonymous Philanthropist Donates 200 Kidneys

samzenpus writes "Even though Christmas has come and gone, someone is acting as a secret Santa for people in need of a new kidney. It's nice to see a story about people helping people."

'War on Terror' Allies Form Information Consortium 139

Wowsers writes us with a story from The Guardian about FBI interest in connectivity between its own database resources and those abroad. It's spearheading a program labeled 'Server in the Sky', meant to coordinate the police forces of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to better fight international crime/terrorist groups. The group is calling itself the International Information Consortium. "Britain's National Policing Improvement Agency has been the lead body for the FBI project because it is responsible for IDENT1, the UK database holding 7m sets of fingerprints and other biometric details used by police forces to search for matches from scenes of crimes. Many of the prints are either from a person with no criminal record, or have yet to be matched to a named individual. IDENT1 was built by the computer technology arm of the US defence company Northrop Grumman. In future it is expected to hold palm prints, facial images and video sequences."

Microsoft's Biggest Threat - Google or Open Source? 240

Glyn Moody writes "Google always plays down suggestions that there's any looming clash of the titans between itself and Microsoft. Meanwhile, the search giant is pushing open source in every way it can. They're contributing directly by contributing code to projects and employing top hackers like Andrew Morton, Jeremy Allison and Guido van Rossum, and indirectly through the $60 million fees it pays Mozilla, its Summer of Code scheme and various open source summits held at its offices. Google+OSS: could this be the killer combination that finally breaks Microsoft?"

Man Sized Sea Scorpion Fossil Found 216

hereisnowhy writes "A giant fossilized claw discovered in Germany belonged to an ancient sea scorpion that was much bigger than the average man, an international team of geologists and archaeologists reported Tuesday. In a report in the Royal Society's journal Biology Letters, the team said the claw indicates that sea scorpion Jaekelopterus rhenania was almost 2.5 meters long, making it the largest arthropod — an animal with a segmented body, jointed limbs and a hard exoskeleton — ever found. In the report, the authors said the scorpion exceeds previous size records for arthropods by almost half a meter."

Intel Core 2 'Penryn' and Linux 99

An anonymous reader writes "Linux Hardware has posted a look at the new Intel "Penryn" processor and how the new processor will work with Linux. Intel recently released the new "Penryn" Core 2 processor with many new features. So what are these features and how will they equate into benefits to Linux users? The article covers all the high points of the new "Penryn" core and talks to a couple Linux projects about end-user performance of the chip."

IBM Grants Universal and Perpetual Access To IP 118

StonyandCher writes "IBM is making it easier to utilize its patented intellectual property to implement nearly 200 standards in the SOA, Web services, security and other spaces. Under a pledge issued by the company Wednesday, IBM is granting universal and perpetual access to intellectual property that might be necessary to implement standards designed to make software interoperable. IBM will not assert any patent rights to its technologies featured in these standards. The company believes its move in this space is the largest of its kind."

Scientologists In Row With BBC 763

CmdrGravy writes "The Church Of Scientology is currently engaged in a row with the BBC, a result of an investigation by reporter John Sweeney. Sweeney is investigating the Church Of Scientology, trying to judge changes in the organization over the last few years; He's trying to discover if they've moved away from the questionable practices and secrecy they have employed in the past. The conflict centers around a YouTube video posted by the scientologists. It shows Mr. Sweeney losing his temper with a scientology spokesman. Mr. Sweeney's outburst came at the end of a tour of a scientology exhibition which attempts to portray psychiatrists as evil nazi type torturers entitled 'Psychiatry: Industry of Death' which is both gruesome and utterly unconvincing. The BBC appears willing to stand behind its reporter, in spite of the pressure brought to bear by the scientologist organization."

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