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Comment Re:Minimum Wage (Score 1) 1094

You're basically saying that anything you don't agree with can't be be studied, which is self-evidently bullshit. There is a massive literature on minimum wage effects which you're welcome to pick holes in. You can't just ignore it, though.

As for stickiness, your argument seems to be that residual stickiness is worse than the harm inflicted by widespread low pay, which seems to be overdoing it somewhat.

Comment Re:Minimum Wage (Score 1) 1094

There are good arguments that wages, especially at the lower bound, are sticky and don't reflect a "true" market rate. The theoretical models are complex, but the evidence is simple: almost everywhere the minimum wages are imposed or increased, the predicted negative consequences invariably fail to materialise.

Comment Re:Fine for me, but not for thee (Score 1) 776

The difference is that #killallmen is a (dark) joke, and the SCUM manifesto is a raving from the lunatic fringe. Whereas the womanbeating subreddit has 34k subscribers. But as soon as feminism shows any hints of diversity of view, or of not being cuddly and friendly, it's seen as grounds to attack it.

The men's rights crowd do have some valid arguments but frankly they could be a lot better presented and they could be a lot more careful about the company they keep.

Comment Re:"6.41%" (Score 1) 113

The thing that you're missing is that employers only care what school you got into, not what you did once you got there. As long as you graduated, you learned enough, and the school's admissions procedure forms a handy part of the firm's recruitment process. The farmvillers are the rational ones, not you.

Comment Re:The two things that have led me to oppose the D (Score 1) 649

In addition, murder is the crime that has the lowest re-offending rate (where we count *any* crime) after release. Most murderers kill for very specific reasons under great stress and regret it later. Indeed, you could take that argument to its conclusion and say that most murderers should simply be released once found guilty.

Comment Re:Learn R (Score 1) 267

Hmm. I'm not sure that R is useful unless you have the domain knowledge. People using R want to solve statistical or numerical problems, and most of the skill is in the problem domain and then programming appropriately. Just knowing R syntax and object model is not enough to be useful in the the typical R user environment, I think.

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