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Comment Re:Airplane Petri Dish (Score 1) 475

And you did no worthwhile research either. Yes, recombination is a thing. However, it only happens between sufficiently similar DNA sequences. Ebola and rhinoviruses share very little common DNA and the chances of any sharing happening and producing something that did anything biologically interesting are, to put it mildly, low.

As for your/my attitude, grow up. Speculating wildly with no clue what you're talking about it is liable to get people taking the piss out of you. In this case you literally had to type a question into Google and click on the first link to come up. Instead you had to waste mine and everyone else's time with your nonsense.

Comment Re:Gladwell (Score 1) 192

Getting to the Met involves a lot of things, only one of which is vocal skill. A random adult would not have a lifelong network of contacts, experience, acting skills, and a depth of knowledge of the repertoire that someone who grew up doing it would. And there are certainly arguments that brain plasticity and physiology plays a part in developing talented child musicians in a way that may not be replicable in adults.

But that aside, yes, an adult can be trained to a high standard of opera singing, sufficiently so to take on significant roles in commercial productions. Bearing in mind, of course, that we are talking here about 5-10 years worth of daily training - but it is possible. Just rare.

Comment Re:Gladwell (Score 1) 192

"fast"=/="good", but even leaving that aside, I'm sceptical. Fast solos on guitar don't involve that much lefthand speed in absolute terms. I suspect it is something about the way you practice or think about your own performance. Musicians are their own worst enemy when it comes to improving their skills and a large part of my job as a teacher is breaking down roadblocks so that you can actually improve. A lot of teachers don't recognise this (and I suspect it's worse for instruments like electric guitar where teacher training may be, well, variable).

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