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Comment Re:Blaming Google (Score 1) 239

The thing that puzzles me is why Google is not charging for link removal. In the EU, if you want a copy of your personal data, you have to pay a reasonable fee for it. Likewise, if you want data removed, I don't see why you shouldn't pay a reasonable fee either. That in turn would at least pay for better scrutiny of these results.

Comment Re:Someone explain this to me (Score 1) 710

Productivity is a measure of output per unit of labour - neither of those directly mean that increased productivity imply the worker not being compensated appropriately. Certainly one approach is to demand extra unpaid labour, but that clearly has limits. Other methods are to be more efficient or introduce machinery.

Comment Re:Because clearly... (Score 1) 222

No. You missed the bit where in your self-righteousness moralistic hectoring you missed that not bailing out the banks would have meant financial Armageddon. Not bailing out Lehman nearly did for the entire system. If we'd saved it, we might well have avoided four years of stagnation. You literally have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Gosh, it would be nice if people took responsibility for what they did. You're a fucking genius. Unfortunately, you're dead wrong, and people like you are a bloody menace.

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