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Submission + - Intel and AMD spar over server-chip speeds.

Vivin writes: "AMD came out with a full page ad in the Wall Street Journal and other newspapers. The ad reads "Saying you're the 'world's best processor' is one thing, Actually being the 'world's best processor' is another." The ad pushes AMD's 3Ghz dual-core Opteron processor while calling into question Intel's leadership with the dual-core and quad-core Xeon processors. The claim is based on the SPECint*_rate2006 and SPECfp*_rate2006 benchmarks that AMD has used. AMD says that they have a 15.5 percent advantage in floating-point operations and a 2.5 percent lead in integer operations. Intel has countered by saying that the Opteron chips advertised aren't available to customers yet. AMD stated that they have already shipped the processors out to manufacturers and that they should be available this month. The ad neglects to mention the quad-core Xeons. Intel's quad-core processors are already in the market, whereas the AMD quad-core Opteron (code-named "Barcelona") is not expected until the middle of this year. BetaNews and Computerwire have more information on this story."

Feed Arsenic In Chicken Feed May Pose Health Risks To Humans (

Pets may not be the only organisms endangered by some food additives. An arsenic-based additive used in chicken feed may pose health risks to humans who eat meat from chickens that are raised on the feed. Arsenic has been linked to cancer and other illnesses.

Feed Male Births: Decline In The US And Japan (

During the past 30 years, the number of male births has decreased each year in the US and Japan. The decline in births is equivalent to 135,000 fewer white males in the US and 127,000 fewer males in Japan over the past three decades and suggest that environmental factors are one explanation for these trends.

Submission + - Hollywood Contradictions on File Sharing

An anonymous reader writes: Which of these two articles should I believe? The first article, which was posted on April 2, 2007 on Investor's Business Daily is titled Hollywood Reeling From Illegal Movie, TV Downloads. The commentary from Investor's Business Daily writer Brian Deagon recants the MPAA's spin that "in 2005 alone it lost $2.3 billion to Internet copyright breaches in the U.S and $7 billion worldwide, including box-office receipts and video sales". The second article was published in USA Today on April 1, 2007. The title of that article is 2007 Box Office is Smoking. The USA Today article tells how the film industry is set to break all box office records this year. So, is Hollywood reeling or isn't it?

Journal Journal: Tuquito GNU/Linux on Intel's Classmate PC

Tuquito GNU/Linux announced it version of Tuquito adapted to Intel's Classmate PC ( This version (Release 1) had been design to fortify learning in school with computing tools, as a desktop PC, but portable.
This version includes almost all software that desktop version in 1.4GB of 2GB NAND flash. It's was compiled from scratch with "-OS" compiler optimization.
Here a

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