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The Courts

Submission + - New Obviousness Standard Destroying Bad Patents

Stop Software Patents writes: "We finally have the first case citing the new standard of obviousness the Supreme Court created for patents via KSR v. Teleflex. In Leapfrog v. Fisher-Price, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit found that, although the specific combination of existing toy features Leapfrog patented had not been patented before, the combination did nothing that would not have been anticipated by someone skilled in the art of toymaking. The article goes on to say that this may indicate that many obvious internet patents, which closely mirror existing offline business practices, will soon become deservedly worthless."

FCC Commissioner Wants To Push For DRM 337

RareButSeriousSideEffects writes "Techdirt reports that 'Newest Commissioner Deborah Tate has apparently announced that while she knows its outside the FCC's authority, she's a huge fan of copy protection and hopes to use her new position as a "bully pulpit" on the topic.'"

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