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Comment Re: Insurance company cheating? (Score 2) 128

This is already happening. I have a cousin who was arrested a couple of years ago participating at a demonstration. A cheek DNA sample was taken at booking time. She recently applied to get a pricier health care plan and was denied. She didn't understand why considering it was with the same insurance carrier and hadn't used her existing policy much. They wouldn't tell her when she pressed them on this issue. She decided to sue, and in discovery it turns out they had obtained her DNA sequence under the guise of "medical research". The case officer in charge of approving her application had seen this info and decided to reject it because she had tested for two faulty copies of the BRAC2 gene which raises her chances of getting cancer significantly. The insurance company eventually backed down, and my cousin was able to get the plan she wanted. But, to how many others is this happening? What other conditions are they filtering out for? Who knows. But it is quite clear that this is just going to expand. There is an ulterior motive for building these DNA databases and we are just pawns in the big picture.

Comment Genetic database (Score 2) 128

In NY state, in many others and in cities around the world, DNA is taken from you when you are arrested. It doesn't matter if you are innocent or if the charges are misdemeanors, your DNA is placed in a database and will never be removed. In NY, Murdoch's education initiatives are already sequencing all children that are in public school. Just like the DMV selling your private info, Murdoch has made deals with insurance carriers to sell them this sequence data. If your DNA is sequenced it will be used against you in ways that you will never know. Gattaca is already here.

Comment Re: Burning bridges (Score 1) 892

what a load of crap. Companies insist on treating their staff as indentured slaves and are surprised when their staff start dishing the same lack of respect back to them? They say that we have to take that because it's a new global economy. I say that is bullshit and that they reap what they sow. Today's management has done everything in their power to sell us on the story that staff is not as important as management is. From the imbalance of CEO pay to the language they use (human resources vs natural resources), it's all designed to force us to think of staff as inhuman! If a company treats me poorly, why should I have any qualms about treating them the same way?

Comment Re: Nope (Score 2) 266

I do this all the time with an Android tablet. All you have to do is install PocketCloud from the store and you are ready to go. It works quite well and if you have some kind of 3g capability on the Android tablet you can do this while on the go. With PocketCloud and ConnectBot I am able to fully manage both Windows and Linux servers.

Comment Re: Fine with me (Score 1) 274

Postgresql on Windows works better than Mssql for many scenarios. I have recommended this to several clients after MS significantly raised their prices on SQL. I've gotten nothing but positive responses. One of my clients loved it so much, that they are planning to upgrade their other custom LOB apps to use Postgresql as their back end.

Comment Re: WTF?!? (Score 1) 187

This comment shows exactly what's wrong with open source nuts like you. I use Linux solutions wherever I can, but informing clients and getting them off of Microsoft solutions can be a daunting task. Many of them will tune you out completely if you even mention Linux as a solution. Tell them instead that they can save $1000 per machine in software costs without ripping out what they have, and they become your next best bud. It's an easy buy-in to install open source software on Windows desktops side-by-side with whatever they currently have. once you have weened them off the Microsoft tit, then they are ready to wholesale switch to Linux. Especially now that Microsoft is turning the PC in to a walled off garden.

Comment Von Neumann (Score 1) 247

I guess nobody told them what a Von Neumann machine is. Changing the software doesn't change the machine. There is over a hundred years worth of precedence regarding this class of ideas, from looms to player pianos. Software patents are just corporate interests trying to lock up much of the already invented technology so that they will have monopolies for the next 100 years.

Comment Re:If we can put an end to DRM (Score 1) 256

Under HIPAA and other electronic health records laws and initiatives, your medical records do not belong to you, and you have a very small say so in what happens to them. There are laws that dictate how long a doctor must keep your records on file. The direction of the healthcare industry is to move towards a clearinghouse model for medical records. It will be the clearinghouse who dictates who has access and to their final disposition. Obamacare just speeds this up through the use of insurance exchanges. Massive data warehouses are currently being created in order to do data mining on the medical records.

Comment Re:Products with DRM have become necessities of li (Score 1) 256

You don't know what you are talking about. Yes you can file by paper, and they will take up to 3 months to pay you. They will tell you that they never received your claims, cheat you and then pay only a fraction of what you're entitled to. If you relied on paper, you would be out of business in a heartbeat. I guess you don't work in the healthcare industry, because if you did, you would know that there is a massive undertaking to move away from paper to all electronic submissions.

And NaviNet is the web portal for over 50 different insurance companies. It includes Aetna, Cigna,Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Horizon, Oxford, Medicare, UnitedHealthCare, and many others. This site is required by doctors, not individuals. If you are a doctor, and accept any one of these insurances, you must do all of your account maintenance using this site. It is mandatory. It is stipulated by the doctor's contract with the insurance carrier. They use this site to check for eligibility, for financials, check information and even electronic prescribing.

As for the illustrious US government, access to the PECOS site can only be done effectively through Windows and IE. This site is used by the doctors to manage their Medicare and NPI enrollments. If you are a doctor, and wish to accept Medicare, you must deal with this site. I have on numerous times, tried to use other browsers on these sites, but they don't work.

I guess being a shill for Microsoft doesn't give you a whole lot of time to read the news. Microsoft has spent tremendous amounts of money in the healthcare industry. It has even formed a joint venture with GE who is a major player in that industry. It has given millions of dollars to the insurance carriers to lock the industry into Microsoft technologies. This is an undeniable fact.

This lockdown is digitally restricting me to using proprietary systems and is preventing me from choosing other technologies. Whether or not it is using encryption to accomplish that is immaterial. It is still DRM.

Comment Re:IE is bundled with DRM (Score 1) 256

It is defective by design. I must only use MicroShaft solutions. Locked in to one vendor. Digital Restrictions Management. DRM is not just encryption. It is any technique used to restrict me from exercising my choice. My choice of operating system, my choice of browser and my choice of networking technologies .There are web standards that they could use to develop for a wide ranging os's and browsers. Instead, they use proprietary/DRM'd technologies causing me to be at the mercy of Microsoft. They are restricting me to one crappy vendor's solutions. Why? As much as Microsoft doesn't like it, the tech industry is more than just Microsoft. And now with the Win8 and Win9 Microsoft lockdown, it is more imperative that I move my clients off of Microsoft's solutions as much as possible.

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