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Comment Re:X through SSH... (Score 1) 359

A lot of commercial software installations on Unix require a X session. e.g. Oracle. Not that I am condoning using X on servers, but sometimes it's a necessary evil. Secondly if you have memory overhead issues due to a few X sessions, may be it's time you took a good look at your infrastructure and consider an upgrade of equipment.

Comment Re:I second this, OpenGL and QT are both great. (Score 2, Informative) 331

About the only downside is that there aren't current C# or Java bindings for it.

Umm... Qtjambi (QT's Java bindings) has been available for ages, although recently Nokia transferred the ownership to community, but from the looks of it, the community is very active and the releases are on track.

Comment Re:governments (Score 5, Insightful) 188

It's more do do with, way too few people wanting to hold their elected officials accountable.

So those few who do, are easy to eliminate.

Take your own country USA for example, as an Indian, I can't help but laugh when I see people being used as mere pawns in the bi-partisanship circus. The right and the left both are equally suckered in to believing that the other side is evil, and will be the end of your country if given a chance to govern. Very few realize that both are sides of the same coin. Same BS sold in different flavor.

Comment Re:I did this after my last ticket... (Score 1) 130

This sounds like something a 12 year old with a chip on his shoulder would do. Do you go around pointing the blame at others for all the failures in your life too? You seriously need some kind of professional help.

Well Steve Jobs did it too. Now what does it say about his mental age ?

Comment Re:Ubuntu needs two things added. (Score 1) 244

Maybe there are no binary drivers available for your hardware.
Nvidia and ATI (AMD) both drop support for older hardware in their new releases, after that the only choice you have is either stick with a older kernel that can use the older Nvidia/AMD binary drivers, so use latest kernel but then you have to use the OSS drivers, as the lastest binary drivers may not support your older hardware.

Comment Re:Rsync? (Score 4, Informative) 305

Better yet, Setup ZFS on a opensolaris box, export the ZFS volume as NFS/Samba share or as an iSCSI target, access from Linux,Solaris,Windows etc.
ZFS can also do compression, and automatic snapshots, not to mention rock solid data integrity with raidz2
  • data integrity - check
  • remote access - check
  • automated incremental backups - check
  • No limitations of software raid neither the need for expensive hardware raid - check
  • Dead Simple to Use - check

Seriously what more do you want from a storage/backup solution ?

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