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Comment Are you Sure you are a Software Engineer? (Score 3, Informative) 228

I've never heard of Software Engineer that did not now what a Software Test Engineer does. Perhaps User Acceptance Training? Your the middle man that takes requirements from client and makes sure that what the Developers produce works within the framework the client provided. Generally you create mock ups and run through the data until all the results and the interface are what the client expects.

Comment Re:Usage based billing is efficient (Score 2) 117

UBB is great when you do not have artificial limits imposed by the people that control the internet backbone and the last mile; that only have that monopoly as it was subsidized by the tax payers in return for ongoing service. While I agree that companies should be able to make a profit but what appears to have happened is some bean counter got a bright idea that people should pay more now per byte than they did even five years ago. I blame the mobile market for jacking up the rates bell figured we can charge $100/Gig for Mobile internet why the hell can we not make more on the broadband connections. If your bill for 20 Gigabytes of data transfer was $200 instead of $20 Would you care? What about $2000 for 200Gigabytes?

Comment Re:Is spanking legal? (Score 1) 948

In Canada (Ontario specifically) your allowed to spank your child on the bum with an open hand you are not allowed to leave any visible marks ie bruises or welts or it would be considered extreme. I believe your only allowed to spank your child in public up to age 8 perhaps it is 10 years old. After that it better be done in private else not at all.

Submission + - Time Warner Employee Dies: supervisor ordered her (

wwbbs writes: "A sixty-seven year old Time Warner Cable Ohio call center employee is dead and Time Warner Cable is facing significant criticism from local Ohio news affiliates for negligence. According to a co-worker who was trying to save the woman, Time Warner Cable managers told her to stop CPR and "get back on the phone and take care of customers." Despite Good Samaritan laws in the state, the manager expressed concern the company could be "held liable if something goes wrong." Time Warner Cable isn't commenting on specifics, but did offer the following statement:
"Time Warner responded appropriately to a medical emergency. Our company has procedures in place to respond to emergencies. We are saddened by the loss of one of our employees who was a co-worker and a friend. Our thoughts are with the family during this difficult time.""


Submission + - Microsoft Tried to Buy Netscape: Suppose They Had? (

Glyn Moody writes: "In an interview, Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and currently CIO at Mozilla, reveals that Microsoft tried to buy Netscape at the end of 1994. They were turned down because the offer was too low, but imagine if Netscape had accepted: no browser wars, no open Web standards, no Mozilla, no Firefox. How might the Web — and the world — have looked today if that had happened?"

Comment Re:Terrorist using Bees? (Score 1) 255

Yes it would be quite a seen wouldn't it. A local gas station lost close to a weeks sales last year due to a few hives falling off just a pick up truck. No one could get near the gas pumps for some time. Management solution call the fire department (duh!) Try explaining that one to the insurance adjusters.

Comment Re:Why so many? (Score 1) 255

Well often that truck driver is diverting loads (a not a load of sperm either) or he is transporting drugs/contraband from point a-b. So I can see why the management of these companies are so anal about tracking their equipment and there staff. Just think for a moment about how much profit a company stands to loose if they loose one major bonded delivery run because an employee decided that he would do what he pleased on the companies dime. Park the dam truck at a card lock and take a taxi. It's not like an 18 wheeler is easy to hide, or find a nice big metal dry shed / rock cavern / bridge to drive the truck under and make damn sure the transponder isn't able to reach a satellite or cell tower.

Submission + - Mussels With Hydrogen Fuel Cells Found (

greenrainbow writes: "According to scientists, there are mussels at the bottom of the ocean that are efficiently converting hydrogen into energy in their very own, nature-made hydrogen fuel cells. The mussels were found near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor and have onboard symbiotic bacteria that convert hydrogen into energy. With this discovery, researchers might be able to clone the hydrogen eating bacteria to create all-natural hydrogen fuel cells to power things other than sea life."

Comment EOL - Power Consumption is too high no. (Score 1) 154

LOL, funny I just tossed 50 or 60 of those machines a couple of years ago. I was keeping them until I figured out that realistically they were end of life and better off being recycled. I could by a new low powered system that would use less wattage then the of that old system. All my 30pin SIMM's were turned into key chains. they were worth 99cents that way... LOL... Sure glad the day of $100 x 1MB for ram is gone.

Comment Re:In this post-9/11 world, we can't be too carefu (Score 1) 380

So the terrorists have won it seems. I'm am effectivly tormented by my government and all The Luddites whom think the sky is falling. Gets self sufficient! Educate your self. Help a neighbor, help a stranger stop the terror! Stop the complaining and do something! >> Vote Palin 2012 Sure I enjoy the farcically parody of mature decision making governments! How about taking your head out of your backside long enough to realize that it's people like her and the tea party that make the USA look so damn bad. You just about flushed the entire country due to the Palin Tea Party radical's.

Comment it did manage to provide an upgrade path (Score 1) 688

Well it did manage to provide an upgrade path for the many millions of developers of small business / custom application development. (It kept the money train moving and lots of people employed during a time period when there wasn't much reason to continue development.) PHB: Hey look at the cool elite new things I can do without having to invest large amounts of time or money and the customer will be glad that were using leading edge software. M$ Has always coddled the developer's as it locks end uses into an upgrade path. Reminds me when VB 4 or 5 came out and all of sudden.... Vendors were like Opps sorry your going to need to upgrade to IE 4 if you want to install the help files...

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