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Comment Re:How about... (Score 1) 482

Dude, I've met a lot of women off dating sites. A LOT of women. The reality is, the best approach is to look at the people, decide if you're mutually attracted on a physical level, and then meet in person straight away.

You can't get to know a person online. What you're getting to know isn't who they are. It's a strange brew of how they see themselves and what you'd like them to be.

The more time you spend "getting to know" someone online, the more attached you'll become to something that doesn't exist, and the more angry you'll be when you're inevitably disappointed.

I've met hundreds of women through dating sites. In the beginning, I spent time making my mistakes with women who lived in a different town, so I could experiment without having to face the consequences of my mistakes at the grocery store.

I've slept with so many of them that I literally got bored with it. I haven't been on a dating site in over a year. But, before I called it quits, I honestly had guys I worked with come up and ask me what my secret was, how I managed to get SO many dates with SO many good looking women, because they knew that I was meeting at least one new woman a week and sometimes more than that, and getting laid all the fucking time.

I'm single by choice, because I decided I deserve something better. But make no mistake, the things I say are true, and I learned these things through vast amounts of experience.

Comment Re:Or maybe the sense of smell... (Score 5, Informative) 139

If you wash religiously, you won't stink.

If you don't wash, you won't stink.

If you wash periodically, you will stink.

Human beings aren't supposed to stink. We're supposed to have bacterial cultures on our skin that prevent it. Washing kills those cultures.

Here's some evidence:

Long story short, we use too much soap.

Comment Re:How about... (Score 0) 482

The problem is, women in western cultures have been taught that it's insulting for men to express desire for them.

If you whistle at a beautiful woman walking down the street in North America, you get a dirty look.

If you whistle at a beautiful woman walking down the street in a country like Italy or Brazil, you get a smile, and maybe some playful flirtation in return.

It's considered wrong for a man to be genuine about his desire and what motivates it in our culture. We're expected to lie.

The way it works is, you try to learn a little bit about things like what music they like, what their career and educational choices are, that sort of crap, and then you assure them that it's these things that you're interested in, even though you'd already decided you were attracted to them before you knew their name.

If you do it smoothly, they'll let you fuck them.

It's really funny, because they spend their teens and early twenties acting outraged and reacting to admiration with anger, then they hit their thirties and no one really wants them any more, and they pine for the days when they had the power to attract men, but it's too late.

Comment Re:Another terrible article courtesy of samzenpus (Score 2) 385

I could burn it in the streets to get rid of it, I suppose.

I already paid the city garbage man to come over here and get it once via my taxes and he didn't do the job... I'm not going to pay a second person to do it.

If you instruct the garbage man to leave the garbage in the streets, you'll have to deal with garbage in the streets. Pretty simple. I'm not keeping it in my house.

Comment Re:Another terrible article courtesy of samzenpus (Score 0, Troll) 385

So, garbage men in Seattle now have the authority to issue people tickets.

Here in Vancouver, they just leave the garbage there in the street in front of your house, I've recently learned.

God, I hate west coast culture.

I chose to respond by going out at night and spreading my garbage up and down the streets.

Fuckers wanna play passive aggressive games? I can play them too.

Comment Re:Faulty premise (Score 1) 139

In science fiction, you generally have some quantified differences from the real physical world, and then you play within the boundaries of the ramifications of that.

In fantasy, you don't bother with any of that.

Many of the great science fiction classics were written to criticize the world we live in without being straightforward enough to be censored, and pitch different social structured and value structures.

Heinlein and Gordon R Dickson come to mind immediately.

Comment Re:Faulty premise (Score 1) 139

Well, lets take an example. I think most people who are well read in the genre would agree that Larry Niven writes "Hard" SF. So... Ringworld.

Ringworld, at it's core, was about "What if we had access to an impossibly strong substance. How might that change everything."

The setting was an extrapolation on that one question. But, it's not about the possibilities of technology, because there is no such substance. It's an impossible technology, a technology based on an ever so slightly different set of universal rules.

But the story was a human story.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 1) 460

I disagree. I think the problem is that there are women in the workforce serving the needs of rich old bastards instead of taking care of their husband and children.

There are zero women in my workplace. I love it.

You know, it's only flamebait or troll if it's a fake position crafted to instigate. It doesn't matter if you hate what I think, if I genuinely believe what I say, I'm not trolling.

I'm not trolling.

Comment Re:A few hundred extrasolar planets (Score 1) 80

Sure the theory's wrong, but we don't know how yet, and our guesses are just so much better than they were a decade ago.
Of course, in the entire history of the human race, we've never once actually confirmed or refuted a single predictions if this nature. This is where "faith" comes in.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 1) 460

So you're jealous and insecure that they're doing a better job than you. Got it.

Yeah, I've moved past the point where people like you can shame me into flip flopping. I don't want you around me, and I don't value your approval.

It doesn't really matter why I hold this position, or how you want to label it. What matters is, I refuse to support companies that woo women away from traditional family life, and I refuse to be sneaky about it in the name of political correctness.

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