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Comment Re:Another terrible article courtesy of samzenpus (Score 0, Troll) 385

So, garbage men in Seattle now have the authority to issue people tickets.

Here in Vancouver, they just leave the garbage there in the street in front of your house, I've recently learned.

God, I hate west coast culture.

I chose to respond by going out at night and spreading my garbage up and down the streets.

Fuckers wanna play passive aggressive games? I can play them too.

Comment Re:Faulty premise (Score 1) 139

In science fiction, you generally have some quantified differences from the real physical world, and then you play within the boundaries of the ramifications of that.

In fantasy, you don't bother with any of that.

Many of the great science fiction classics were written to criticize the world we live in without being straightforward enough to be censored, and pitch different social structured and value structures.

Heinlein and Gordon R Dickson come to mind immediately.

Comment Re:Faulty premise (Score 1) 139

Well, lets take an example. I think most people who are well read in the genre would agree that Larry Niven writes "Hard" SF. So... Ringworld.

Ringworld, at it's core, was about "What if we had access to an impossibly strong substance. How might that change everything."

The setting was an extrapolation on that one question. But, it's not about the possibilities of technology, because there is no such substance. It's an impossible technology, a technology based on an ever so slightly different set of universal rules.

But the story was a human story.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 1) 460

I disagree. I think the problem is that there are women in the workforce serving the needs of rich old bastards instead of taking care of their husband and children.

There are zero women in my workplace. I love it.

You know, it's only flamebait or troll if it's a fake position crafted to instigate. It doesn't matter if you hate what I think, if I genuinely believe what I say, I'm not trolling.

I'm not trolling.

Comment Re:A few hundred extrasolar planets (Score 1) 80

Sure the theory's wrong, but we don't know how yet, and our guesses are just so much better than they were a decade ago.
Of course, in the entire history of the human race, we've never once actually confirmed or refuted a single predictions if this nature. This is where "faith" comes in.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 1) 460

So you're jealous and insecure that they're doing a better job than you. Got it.

Yeah, I've moved past the point where people like you can shame me into flip flopping. I don't want you around me, and I don't value your approval.

It doesn't really matter why I hold this position, or how you want to label it. What matters is, I refuse to support companies that woo women away from traditional family life, and I refuse to be sneaky about it in the name of political correctness.

Comment Re:In case of emergency (Score 1) 241

You're so caught up in your desire to defend your ridiculous "free expression" ideology that you won't acknowledge that facts exist, or that lies exist. There's a huge blind spot that you can't see past because you've decided that your ideology is beyond critical examination.

That pedantic crap about "thinking hard" just reinforces that for all your cleverness, you're just another idiot who has been crippled by his preconceptions.

You should probably stick to the contrived world of the chessboard and leave the real world problems to others.

Comment Re:The UK Cobol Climate Is Very Different (Score 1) 270

No, I just understand that there are plateaus that you can't pass if you refuse to look presentable, and that it's a lot easier to present an image of respectability that people outside your field can see than to try to explain to people who don't understand what you do why they should trust you. People who don't understand your field need a way to judge you, and time spent forming a judgement is a risk; if you turn out to be of no use to them, that time was wasted. So, if you make it harder for them than it needs to be, they may just decide not to bother.

Making your professional life harder for yourself over something so insignificant in the grand scheme of things is really kind of childish. I used to rebel against people who wanted me to cut my hair when I was in high school too, but eventually most people accumulate enough substance as human beings to set aside these childish attempts to assert their individuation.

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