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Comment Re: Now this is funny. (Score 1) 109

Personally, I type faster than I speak and think faster than I can type. Much, much faster. I was forced to take touch typing in high school as a prerequisite for computer courses and despite being insulted at having to take a class I considered "secretary work" at the time, I now see it as the most useful course I ever took.

10 lines of code... dear God are you literally retarded? When I'm in the implantation phase I churn out literally thousands of lines of code in a day. You have to be making this up.

Comment Re: A truly smart person ... (Score 3, Insightful) 391

When you're not good at anything, you think everyone else is faking it. When you're gifted and you don't challenge yourself, you think you're good at everything. But, if you're gifted and challenge yourself regularly, you learn to acknowledge what you do and do not know. Once that happens, you claim the mastery that is your due, respect it when you see it in others, and lose patience with those who constantly want to dispute the validity of what you've become. You learn to despise the word "opinion", because you constantly have it thrown in your teeth by people whose ego is incapable of acknowledging that expertise exists at all, let alone acknowledge that you might have it.

At least, that's been my observation and experience. It's part of why I like volunteer work. When people are benefiting from your brilliance and watching you let others lead while you learn from them, they're less inclined to constantly challenge your capabilities, and more pleasant to be around. Purely social environments like bars and parties on the other hand, are a psychologically draining environment where bullshit flies, assertions are never compared against objective reality, and just listening to people talk threatens to make you stupider by normalizing a lack of rigor and discipline in acknowledging that you have areas of ignorance that no inherent brilliance can overcome.

Comment Re: Why is (Score 2) 201

I would hypothesize that, by preventing access from Linux users in such an easily defeated way, they shield themselves from legal responsibilities for proper functioning of the service on the multitude of Linux configurations out there, while still making it easy for the knowledgeable Linux user to pay their monthly fees and "make it work" on their own if they so desire. Which, really, is a win for everyone in the current environment.

Comment Re: Interesting (Score 1) 322

When mankind needs a vertical hierarchy to make it strong, it chooses a leader to give it one. When that need is exhausted, if he fails to bow out gracefully, they call him a dictator. But they always choose him. If they need him and he doesn't arrive, the people become archeological remains. The perfect structure will make both transitions smooth and painless. Most people aren't able to see this clearly, and fall in love with one configuration and attack others blindly, without considering the local situation.

Comment Re: Stop Storing Personal Data (Score 1) 80

when gender issues are poaching away resources from real work.

Your gender issues seem to be poaching away resources from real thinking. How is it related to web browsers what other people may or may not do with their nether appendages?

Btw I'm queer and I'm sad about how some marriage advocates made Brendan Eich quit. But I'm confident there's still "real work" going on at Mozilla.

Are you familiar with the debacle where the Gnome Foundation went broke because they blew all the money on their Outreach Program for Women?

Here's coverage if you're unfamiliar, although if you're a queer slashdot reader you probably aren't:


The Eich issue showed the world that Mozilla is chock full of the same sentiment. And Mozilla's lost so much market share that they're only a bit player now. When push comes to shove, their "Real Work" is not cutting the mustard.

I've worked on technology projects with people who didn't agree with my views on the issues, and done volunteer work on community projects with people who didn't agree with my views, but everything worked because the projects were focused enough that they became something we could both agree on.

The reason gender issues are screwing up technology projects is because technology projects are extending their mission statements in political directions and it's removing the focus that made it possible for people who disagree on political issues to work together.

Expressed simply, if you stand for one thing, you get half the people agreeing with what you stand for and half of them not agreeing, and 50% of the people give you their support.

If you stand for two things, half the people who were supporting you will no longer feel comfortable supporting you, and they will leave. You shrink your support from 50% to 25%.

It's not that we disagree. It's that I can't actively support organizations that vocally espouse things that I think are nihilistic and therefore immoral, and logic dictates that if I was the only one, there would be no controversy, so therefore, I'm not the only one.

The ability to agree to disagree has been removed, and it's not going to do anything but harm.

Comment Re: Stop Storing Personal Data (Score -1, Flamebait) 80

I ditched them over the Brendan Eich debacle, myself... haven't missed em. Free software is an important issue, but preserving the place of the traditional nuclear family is a more important issue. The fags and the feminists insinuated them selves, and now the project will die just like gnome project did. At least this time they're killing something people remember... perhaps they'll open a few eyes this time, and people will clue in that, even if you agree with their politics, it's still going to kill the project when gender issues are poaching away resources from real work.

Probably too optimistic... it'll die and few will put together why it really happened, just like gnome.

Comment Re: Neither (Score 1) 436

Now, that's not true. They call them squeegee kids back home, they stand in intersections washing windows and guilt tripping people into payment... they make a hundred dollars an hour, easy.

You don't have to be a productive member of society if you're manipulative. Well, unless everyone else is the same as you...

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