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Comment Re:Is this flu really "special"? (Score 2, Interesting) 695

It's worse among doctors. It doesn't surprise me that the BBC article contains reports about residents and interns dying. I wonder how many patients get infected via sick doctors?

Large teaching hospitals are dependent on residents who work 80 hours a week to barely cover the workload. If someone calls in sick, then it means your already overworked and fatigued colleagues will have to cover for your "weakness." Oftentimes the onus is on you to find your replacement. And so the culture discourages it - either through active hostility or feelings of guilt and/or machismo on the part of the sick person. This culture is learned in med school and residency then gets carried forward.

I'm a resident physician and every year I have to do some online training for all hospital employees that says to stay home if you're sick, and we residents just laugh. The idea of calling in sick for a low grade temp and a cough is so out of the realm of possibility, it's absurd. I'm not saying this is a good or noble thing - there's a lot of things about the culture of medicine and residency (such as work hours) that are fucked up and end up adversely affecting patient care.

Comment Re:In a word... (Score 1) 1385

Totally agree, but they should be wary of the airlines that make their bread and butter from regional travel.

A while back a bunch of businesses in Texas formed a consortium to build a high speed rail network linking the major Texas cities. Southwest Airlines effectively lobbied against and killed it.

Which really sucks, because I'd much rather take a train from Dallas to Austin than deal the hassle of air travel. If you factor all of the airport BS, it takes nearly the same time as driving.

Comment Re:BeOS (Score 1) 626

I loved BeOS and was so sad when it went away.

The Haiku page says that it's "inspired by" BeOS. So what's that mean exactly - that they're trying to reverse engineer it? What happened to the old Be source code? Seems silly to have to reinvent the wheel if the code is already written and not being used for anything.

Comment Re:Postgraduate medical education. (Score 1) 605

3rd year psychiatry resident, so currently my schedule is nothing to complain about :-)

But it just boggles my mind how "evidence based medicine" is the new mantra... except when it comes to the body of evidence re the reduction of medical errors/poor outcomes with reduced hours. Not to mention the entire field of sleep medicine. Selectively evidenced based would be more accurate I guess :-/

Comment Re:Postgraduate medical education. (Score 1) 605

Yeah it is. The current rules say no more than 30 hours in a row, 80 hours in a week, with 10 hours between shifts. Even if those rules are followed, that's still fucked up.

The above rules don't apply to home call. When I was an intern we'd have home call for days in a row with little or no sleep. Last year they changed it to straight q4 overnight call, which was an improvement, which is fucked up.

But that's what you get when your educational model is based on the 100 yr old sleep habits of a cocaine addict (Sir William Halstead). It's shameful that this profession - which knows damn well that the brain was not meant to function this way - allow this to continue out of some romanticized idea of tradition.

Comment Re:Big news for Symbian developers! (Score 5, Interesting) 92

The Download application has been around for years, and it's been redefining the word suck for years. If you enjoy waiting 10 minutes to see the same 10 applications displayed every day, the Download! application is for you. To even mention it in the same breath as Apple's App Store is delusional. And as a Symbian coder, I'll agree with the parents above... the platform sucks to code for. It's a totally non-standard (no exceptions, what?) platform that makes you account for design decisions/tradeoffs which were made over 10 years ago and should be a non-issue today. When they did the big binary break and added Symbian Signed they could have addressed a lot of this, but they chose not to. And don't get me started on Symbian Signed. Pay to have your app tested, pay to have it signed. Pay more to have your app tested if you start going deeper into the phone. Pay to have your app re-tested if you fail the test for somewhat arbitrary reasons (just check on Forum nokia to see some test rejection horror stories). Pay Nokia for the privilege of helping to grow their platform. Is it any wonder that while the total smartphone marketplace has been growing, Symbian marketshare has shrunk for 2 years running?

Comment Ugh, can the media stop with the scifi headlines? (Score 3, Informative) 247

I'm sick of these stupid "propranolol deletes memory" headlines. There was even an episode of boston legal or law & order perpetuating this nonsense a year or so ago. The drug does not "delete" a specific memory. The only people who can that are on star trek. The drug simply reduces the emotional significance of the memory, uncoupling it from the autonomic/fear response associated with it. A HUGE difference.

Operating Systems

Submission + - Windows 7 vs Vista vs Linux Benchmarks (

MegaMac writes: So Windows 7 is supposed to be screaming fast, right? Anecdotal accounts report it booting quicker and feeling snappier than Vista, but the proof is in stats. TuxRadar has benchmarked Windows 7 against Vista and Ubuntu Linux, comparing install time, disk space usage, boot speeds and filesystem performance. The graphs also show how the sparkly ext4 filesystem compares against its older brother.

Home Generators (or How DTE Energy Ruined My Holidays) 695

We are among the thousands without power in the northeast. Day four actually, and we've decided to look into generators so that next year's New Year's doesn't involve fears of frozen pipes bursting and hypothermic babies and cats. At the very least we just need enough juice to run the furnace blower, but if we're going to lay down the cash I'd like to know what it would take to get a little more power ... like enough to run a fridge, router, laptop and lightbulb. I know nothing about this sort of thing, but figure there are more than a few experts out there so I call out to the wisdom of the mob. What am I looking for? How difficult is the wiring? What will it cost me? On the extreme edge, what would it take to get off the grid entirely? (And on a side note, thanks to DTE Energy for telling us we had power when we didn't, for losing the ticket for our neighborhood, for telling us it would be back every single day when it wasn't, and for the helpful DTE representative who warned us that our pipes might burst. Thanks.)

Comment Re:Daily? (Score 1) 393

When my hard drive failed, we restored from my time machine backup without a hitch. It took a while to transfer all the data, but afterwards my computer was functioning exactly as it had been earlier in the day.

New Cellphone Sized "Computer" Takes Aim at Sub-Notebooks 256

IMOVIO has launched a new cellphone-sized computer that is aimed at something similar to the subnotebook market. While it doesn't have 3G of its own, it does have a QWERTY keyboard, Wi-Fi, and a $175 price point. "It can connect to the Internet using a standard Wi-Fi connection, or it can use your cell phone's mobile broadband connection via Bluetooth. The company is currently pitching it to mobile network operators and retail stores. It's being compared to the ill-fated Palm Foleo. But the comparison doesn't work because the Foleo was Palm-phone only, didn't fit in a pocket and cost well over three times the price of the iKIT.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Why I troll: Slashdot is worthless 7

So today I wondered what it is about Apple, that they generate buzz when others dont. For a while, I was modded up, and had my karma back and was engaged in a little discussion about it. For a moment, it was like the old days - back when /. was a tech discussion site.


Submission + - Arizona gov admits to seeing Phoenix lights

stratjakt writes: The governor of Arizona now admits to having seen the Phoenix lights.

Symington says he saw a large triangular "craft of unknown origin" with lights, moving slowly. "It was dramatic. And it couldn't have been flares because it was too symmetrical", he says. "It had a geometric outline, a constant shape."
I for one welcome our crazy republican overlords.

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