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Comment Arterial contraction (Score 2, Insightful) 465

Wouldn't this cause problems with perfusion? As I understand it, the arteries absorb some of the force of the heart's contraction due to their elasticity, and reuse it when they contract in turn to send the blood to more distal points in the body. It's been suggested that increased arterial stiffness is associated with the development of cardiovascular disease, and it seems like this might cause a similar effect over time. If you're getting an artificial heart, perhaps this point is moot, and from the story, it sounds like she doesn't have a choice, but I wonder if it would be an issue.

Submission + - India to issue over a billion biometric id cards (

angrytuna writes: "The Unique Identification Authority is a new state department in India charged with assigning every living Indian an exclusive number and biometric ID card. The program is designed to alleviate problems with the 20 current types of proof of identity currently available. These problems range from difficulties for the very poor in obtaining state handouts, corruption, illegal immigration, and terrorism issues.

Issuing the cards may be difficult, however, as less than 7% of the population is registered for income tax, and voter lists are thought to be inaccurate, partly due to corruption. The government has said the first cards will be issued in 18 months."


Submission + - Google releases open source NX server (

wisesifu writes: "Amid the fanfare of last week's Chrome OS announcement, Google quietly released an open source NX server, dubbed Neatx, for remote desktop display. NX technology was developed by NoMachine to handle remote X Window connections and make a graphical desktop display usable over the Internet. "FreeNX's primary target is to replace the one closed component and is written in a mix of several thousand lines of Bash, Expect and C, making FreeNX difficult to maintain," according to Google."Designed from scratch with flexibility and maintainability in mind, Neatx minimizes the number of involved processes and all code is split into several libraries." Neatx is written in Python, with a few wrapper scripts in Bash and one program written in C "for performance reasons". There has already been some speculation that Neatx will be the default display server for the upcoming Chrome OS. Google insists the release date was just a coincidence."

Submission + - Social Security Number Deduced from Public Data (

angrytuna writes: Wired is running an article about a pair of computer scientist researchers at Carnegie Mellon university that have come up with a way to predict someone's social security number, using nothing more than their state and date of birth. From the CMU blog FAQ:

predictions are based on statistical inferences: in general, the first 5 digits can be predicted with a very high degree of accuracy with a single attempt — especially for individuals born after 1988 and in less populous states. In some cases, we were able predict the whole 9 digits of individual SSNs at the very first attempt. More often, the predictions produce windows of values that are likely to include the actual 9 digits.

Also from the article:

Theres only a few short steps between making a statistical prediction about a persons SSN and verifying their actual number, Acquisti said. Through a process called tumbling, hackers can exploit instant online credit approval services or even the Social Security Administrations own verification database to test multiple numbers until they find the right one. Although these services usually block users after several failed attempts, criminals can use networks of compromised computers called botnets to scan thousands of numbers at a time.

Comment Perhaps LaTeXiT? (Score 3, Informative) 328

What kind of LaTEX do you need to be writing? If it's just mathematics, and you're on linux or osx, you may want to consider LaTeXiT. It renders equations to pdf and image formats, one of which I know for sure you can embed in a google document. It also lets you maintain libraries of equations, so you can modify them later.

I used it recently, in conjunction with Apple keynote for the Mac. It was far easier to deal with just the math LaTEX subset, and only at points where I needed it. I imagine a non-technical audience may agree.

Laequed purports to do something similar for windows. Haven't tried it myself.

Comment Re:Darn... no Mac Mini update (Score 3, Informative) 1079

This is a huge issue for me. There were some issues with hardware encoded locking with the 6th generation ipods (the ipod nano with the video screen). Prior iPods could be mounted and the music interchange performed with a variety of different linux software packages. These newer versions could be mounted and read, but writes just plain failed.

I had just finished purchasing a nano for my sister for christmas as well (I had previously set her up with an ubuntu box). She's having to use a roommate's XP box to do the transfer. This is an area where Apple has done far worse than just drop the ball, in my book. I've been an Apple fan for awhile, but they lost a lot of my goodwill when I discovered this move.

Comment Re:So this shows it was on the wrong consoles (Score 1) 507

People who own Wiis wouldn't even think of looking for a Prince of Persia game... they're looking for sudoku or mini-games to shake the Wiimote around a bit.

I have to disagree with this last statement. I was just visiting a friend who owned a Wii, and had Splinter Cell: Double Agent for it. While by and large the games he owned would live up to your statement, it's not always true.

The game was fairly difficult as well, primarily due to usage of the Wii remote and the nunchuk adapter in conjunction to move and shoot. Far cry from most Wii games. I don't own a Wii (yet), but the fact that both types are available is very appealing to me, as that means I can enjoy this type of game myself, and still have the more out-of-the-box-intuitive games that everyone can enjoy.

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