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Comment Re:From My Simpleton Point of View (Score 1) 535

You can't fire a developer that's leading in resolutions and completed requirements.

Boy are you going to be disappointed someday.

I wonder how he would have chosen people if he saw through an employee's thinly veiled attempts to make himself look better?

Just so you know, there is a reason why a lot of places ask you to do a self evaluation. As a manager myself, I find them useful because sometimes I miss things. I may *think* I have all of your accomplishments listed, but I may not. Or I may over or understate the relative importance, or the success. Sometimes I look at them and think that the person is more accurate than I am. I try to keep track of everything, but since I have to do it for so many people, things can get missed despite my best efforts. If you don't tell me, you might be missing out on raises or bonuses.

Keeping track of what you do, and the outcome of it is no more Machiavellian or bragging than putting together a resume is.

Comment Re:Appology for a wrong thing (Score 1, Troll) 653

I think all governments should do nothing but apologize for mistakes they've made all day every day. That is sure to be the most efficient use of their time. Either that or thin-skinned titty babies could just get over it, realize that people in general, and people in power in specific were different back then, and move the fuck on with their lives. Christ, it's not like he's still being force fed hormones.

Comment Re:The logic is obvious (Score 2, Insightful) 554

and in this case means 'animal rights activist'

Yes, well, it's all about the animals isn't it? I mean, really, if I were to bomb things, burn things down, physically intimidate and threaten people, indoctrinate other people into a cult-like society of violence and terror, but it was for the animals, certainly I could not be called a terrorist, could I?

Comment Re:First uncensored post (Score 3, Insightful) 392

Until then, calling Iran "unfree" is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Yes, I remember when people went out to protest and were hacked to death by axes, wielded by the National Guard. It was horrible.

I would say that it's more like someone going into an emergency room with a paper cut and whining about how someone who has just been raped, thrown out of a car at 55mph, run over, lit on fire, then hacked up with machetes is getting treated first.

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