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Comment Re:Clarification (Score 4, Insightful) 100

Using the special URL, the old password is removed and a new one generated in its place with no confirmation required.

While you're right in saying the attacker can't access the admin's account, the admin themselves also can't access it, because their password has already been reset to something else, and they'll have to get the new one. It seems more like a minor inconvenience to me, then a massive bug which will end the world, but still a flaw.

Comment Re:What about bittorrent (Score 2, Insightful) 407

1) way cheaper (arn't they like 5 cents to make or something like that, being generous maybe even a whole dollar with the case)

You appear to be confusing the cost to produce the disk, and the cost to produce it's contents, and what you're in fact being asked to pay for.

Unless the DVD you buy is completely blank, it cost more then 5 cents to produce.

Comment Re:What's the issue here? (Score 2, Informative) 1016

this is far less of a moral grey area than downloading is.

No, you've got that backwards.

Downloading a game ISO has only one purpose. The playing of that game, without paying for it.

Modding an Xbox, as you say yourself, allows you to run XBMC on it. A legitimate use of the hardware, which harms nobody.

Comment Re:Outbreak of distros (Score 1) 121

This isn't really intended for people who want to make SuperAwesomeLinux 17, although it could certainly be used for that. It's target audience is software companies, and open source projects, who want to provide a quick and easy way to create virtual machines to run their software.

It's designed to get around the problem that to get your software into a company at the moment, you need to provide installation instructions, which may or may not work, and could take hours to follow. This is just what's needed to get anyone to *look at* your software. By providing virtual machines it becomes a lot simpler to get people to take a look at your software, because they just need to download it, and fire up VMWare or similar.

And then, when they want to put it into production, they can move the VM to their virtual servers (most large companies have them now, it's our standard method of deployment), and start it up.

That's me paraphrasing badly, if you want it from the horse's mouth, have a read of Nat Friedman's blog entry on the subject.

Comment Re:Important findings (Score 1) 334

So very true, my fiance suffers from manic depression, with occasional paranoia, and it's terrifying when it happens. Obviously not enough to stop me marrying her, but still very scary.

Usually she's absolutely fine, and you wouldn't be able to tell if you didn't know, but every now and then something completely off the wall will happen. Recently I was going to sleep, when I noticed that she was sitting at the end of the bed crying. Turns out she was trying not to go to sleep, because she needed to stand guard in case anything happened in the night. Thankfully it's very rare, and usually there are other things which trigger it (in this case that we've just moved into a new house), but I'm still incredibly happy to see some progress being made to treating it more effectively.

Comment Re:Ad Caching? (Score 4, Insightful) 176

The best way to deal with this sort of thing is to do regular checks as to how long hitting the address that's going to be loaded takes, in a cron job or whatever, and if it goes over a certain threshold, turn off that provider.

Sure, you'll lose a bit of ad revenue, but you won't have pissed off users who think your site is broken.

Comment Re:What? no challenge? (Score 1) 164

Yes, that would also be nice, but Mario is a platform game.

The whole principle of that type of game is to give you awkward bits that require a precise combination of movements to get through them.

If this was an RTS, or FPS game, then I'd be less happy about them slapping a band-aid on it.

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