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Comment not pork or corruption but local control (Score 1) 847

.... You already have the people that could do the job, but I suspect there's too much pork, and possibly outright corruption, bound up in all that money that goes into local voting systems, to do it without a lot of resistance even if it was done at a state instead of federal level.

It's not so much pork or corruption, but a desire for local control, based on a distrust of higher levels of government. Where I live, we vote for the Town and School District budgets every year. Our property taxes are based on those budgets, so they are very important to every property owner. We have election procedures which are efficient and transparent. We don't want the State (or, worse, the Federal Government) telling us how to run our elections.

When I first moved into my town, ballots were placed in boxes. When the polls closed, volunteers counted in pairs: one counting and the other verifying. We switched roles occasionally to stay alert. When the lally was finished the ballots went back into the box in case the totals were close and someone called for a recount. Today, we use a Scantron for the preliminary count, with the paper ballots retained inside the machine. The results are available on the Town web site the day after the election.

If we were to convert to an electronic system, perhaps the results could be available an hour after the polls close. That would please the national media, but we are afraid of losing the transparency that makes our system work. I have seen the loser shake the hand of the winner after the preliminary count was complete, and wish him well. Without confidence in the accuracy of the count, close races might lead to endless bickering.

Comment take it much farther (Score 1) 634

I introduced my girlfriend to Star Trek by buying a color TV small enough to fit in my studio apartment, and inviting her over once a week to watch the next episode. We watched the original broadcast of what is now called the “original series”. She liked so much she married me. We raised our two kids to love Star Trek and other types of science fiction and fantasy.

At our son's wedding a few years ago, I ended the traditional father-of-the-groom speech with “live long and prosper” and the accompanying hand gesture. His friends were amused, but knew exactly what I meant.

Comment I use pens instead (Score 4, Interesting) 243

As a long-time geek, I carry lots of pens in my shirt pocket. I decided to turn them into business cards.

I had a bunch of nice-looking personalized pens made, with my e-mail address inscribed on them. If someone asks me for my e-mail address, I hand them a pen. I then have to explain that the pen is not to write down my e-mail address, but it has my e-mail address alreay on it, and they can keep the pen. I have handed out more than 100 pens in the last couple of years. People tend to keep them longer than paper business cards because they have utility: you can write with them.

My e-mail address includes my name, and if you search the Web for my e-mail address you get my web site (hosted by the workstation under my desk at home) and my résumé, which includes a picture of me, my telephone number, and my mailing address. That's better than a business card.

Comment Re:It's a hassle, but a tiny one... (Score 1) 142

Scale is still a problem ... for every source, s/he'll have to

  • - move them into test mode
  • - change their NTP source
  • - run the test
  • - undo the configuration changes
  • - hope the system doesn't change between the test and the time they need the result.

Chances are many of the source systems belong to customers, suppliers and other third parties. Coordinating the testing would be complicated. Tracking the configuration would be even more complicated.

It'll be a lot cheaper for him to take a couple of minutes of outage every few years.

It's not quite that bad. You need a test version of your system anyway, so you can make changes without risking bringing down the production system. You hack NTP for the test system as a whole and observe what breaks. You fix problems and re-test, just as you do for any modification, until the test sytem functions correctly. You then copy those changes to the production system.

When a new version of an external component changes, you verify that it works using your test system. You would do this even if you were not worried about leap seconds. However, now that you have the hacked version of NTP available, you also test for leap seconds handling. If you find a new leap seconds problem you work around ir and/or report it to your vendor, just as you do with any new bug that you find.

Yes, it will probably be cheaper to take a couple of minutes of outage every few years. However, you now have an advantage over your competition that can be exploited by your marketing department. If a customer is seriously interested in maximizing his up time, he will have a "leap seconds" box to check off on his RFP. If you are the only one who can check it off, you can charge higher rates.

Comment Re:It's a hassle, but a tiny one... (Score 1) 142

I think the original poster's problems are on a scale much larger than 'fix your software'. He/she is getting data from multiple, disparate systems, and probably does not have any way to tell if a given source supports leap seconds or not. Without that info, there really isn't a fix available.

By hacking NTP to introduce frequent leap seconds, he can discover how each source handles leap seconds, and develop workarounds for each source he cannot fix. For example, if a particular source sits at 23:59:59 for two seconds, he might recognize that and write a filter or post-processor to convert the second second to 23:59:60 in messages received from that source.

Comment Re:It's a hassle, but a tiny one... (Score 1) 142

...That will, of course, be charged to our SLA downtime, which will affect everyone's performance reviews at the end of the year. All this for a single goddamn second.

If you are concerned about your SLA, fix your software so it handles leap seconds correctly. You can test your fixes by hacking NTP to insert a positive or negative leap second at the end of every minute. When you get it working, you will have a competitive advantage over everyone who has to shut down.

Comment Re:RMA System (Score 1) 104

Whenever I replace a part, I have to record the serial number of the old part, the serial number of the new part, and the name of the customer. I return the old part to the warehouse, and don't get paid for the service call until it arrives. Clearly, Verizon Wireless wasn't this careful; perhaps now they are.

Comment awsome (Score 1) 128

Younger Slashdot readers cannot imagine what the discovery of exoplanets means to those of us who have been reading science fiction since the 1950s. We dreamed of traveling to the moon, and we managed that thanks to a martyred President. With that milestone accomplished, we looked forward to the planets and the stars.

Somehow, we lost the will to explore space. The Space Shuttle, which should have preceded the exploration of the Moon, was funded only after many compromises, and the program is now ended. The Russians still have their 1960s-era space capability, and the Chinese are moving forward, but the exploration of the Solar System is being done by robots.

We thought we would have to travel to the stars to see if they had planets, but the astronomers have managed to see them from a distance. It now appears certain that most stars have planets, and it is only a matter of time before we start detecting the habitable ones. There is no longer any chance that we can ignore the challenge of interstellar travel. It may be a century or two before the probes are launched, but launched they will be. The dreams of the science fiction fans of the 1950s are being realized.

Comment we would not all have laughed you out of the room (Score 1) 269

Not everyone in the 1970s would have laughed at the notion that it would take a long time from the first explorers to a permanent base. Some of us remembered that it took 50 years from the first explorers reaching the south pole to the establishment of the permanent base there.

I still believe it is possible that there will be a base on the moon by 2019, but I am not so sure that Americans will participate in it.

Comment New Hampshire taxes (Score 1) 949

A high percentage of the property taxes collected are from people from other states (like MA) who have summer homes. They do not use services throughout the year. NH also has some sort of sales tax on food, correct? And state run liquor stores... not exactly libertarian there...

Saying that New Hampshire has no sales taxes is an over-simplification. New Hampshire taxes prepared food, such as that sold by restaurants. Compared to other states, New Hampshire taxes very few sales.

It is also an over-simplification to say that New Hampshire has no income tax—the state taxes interest, dividends, and business profits. It would be more accurate to say that New Hampshire does not tax wages.

I do not know what percentage of property taxes collected are from summer properties, but I am sure it varies by town. A few years ago I surveyed the mailing addresses for property tax bills in one New Hampshire town. I don't remember the exact figures, and I didn't correct for property values, but a large fraction of the zip codes were for that same town.

Comment Re:Too bad, so sad (Score 1) 580

I've got way more dead technologies under my belt than I have active ones. It's the price you pay for being in the computer industry -- some of the skills you pick up will never be used again.....

Amen, brother! There are probably fewer than 100 people left in the world who know how to program the DEC PDP-1 in assembler language. The fact that I am one of them gains me nothing in the job market.

Comment Re:happens even to uncommon names (Score 1) 619

HIPPA laws are against *disclosing* information, not receiving it, so you shouldn't have had anything to worry about there. If your doctor tells you the name of another patient, they're the one who gets in trouble, not you.

So the lesson, then, is to confirm that the intended recipient is at the other end of an e-mail address you've been given if you intend to send any sensitive information. I suppose the easiest way to confirm is to send an inquiry e-mail and ask for a response. If you don't get one, or if the response says "no, I'm not him", then discard the e-mail address.

Comment happens even to uncommon names (Score 1) 619

My name isn't all that common, but even so this has happened to me. I first learned about a "john Sauter" in southern California who is some kind of medical doctor when he traveled to a conference and I got notices from his hotel. I told them that they had the wrong e-mail address, and thought no more about it. However, I kept getting other messages obviously intended for him. When there was a reply address available I would politely tell the sender that I am a computer programmer in New Hampshire, not a medical professional in southern California.

It got a little scary, though, when he sold his practice, and a lawyer sent me the legal paperwork. I don't know what kind of trouble you can get into by receiving legal papers intended for someone else—it would be easy to run afoul of the insider trading rules in the case of a public company, or HIPPA rules for medical information.

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