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Comment more commnets on the beta... (Score -1, Flamebait) 136

"Load More"??? What the hell??? When I post my comment I expect to be able to see it, not have to click "Load more" 3 times and then hunt around to find it.

Some of the comments use font size 0.85rem (never heard of REM before for a font size), and some of them use 1.5em. Can't work out why some are different. Don't care either.

Scrolling through the comments the big problem is that the important stuff, like you know, the actual content of the comment, isn't given prime position. It's hard to find the actual comment inside all of the "subject, commenter, whitespace". It's hidden. Stupid, very hard to read. Notice how reddit comments the actual comment text is bigger? That's so you can read it. They should also condense the subject into the "who" section, and be in the same line. There's enough room.

Oh and I can't see the member ID now of the commenter. That sucks. I liked looking at it to see how long the person had been a member for.

I like the "comment threshold" gears icon to make it easier to filter per level. But damn, it uses Ajax. Could be nice, but I bet if it runs on a post with 500 comments it's going to run slower than a snail. When I choose one of those thresholds I just get a "load more" button - what the hell? There's nothing to load. So those filter options are pointless as well if there's nothing to show.

Ok I can see what people are complaining about now.

Comment Checking out the beta.. (Score -1, Flamebait) 136

Ok, I like the "Leave comment" box right at the top instead of having to pick a random thing to reply to.

I don't like the fact that there are two boxes, and neither are labelled. It's obvious to me that the first one is a subject but it's not explained. Not a good UI.

The "From you're-grounded dept" is below the article, that doesn't make sense.

The comment box isn't a wysiwyg editor. Can't I just highlight text and hit control-B and make it bold? C'mon, this is 2014, we had this functionality 20 years ago.

Menu bar static at the top of the screen? Pointless. If I need that I'd scroll to the top.

Ok I've previewed my comment... newlines aren't converted to BR's. What the hell. Apart from a slightly different CSS what the hell is this beta all about?

Comment Re: Giant contribution (Score 1) 155

You can choose between monstruous XML formats with no real type checking, leading to a whole lot of runtime errors, or annotations that are slightly less verbose, and yet are just as prone to runtime errors.

This. THIS.

I was so happy to ditch Java after 2 years and move to .NET. Java is just configuration hell. Everything takes twice as long because you're fighting the infrastructure instead of actually getting stuff to work. The language itself is the easy part - it's the setup, the config files, the extra config files, the extra extra extra XML files... hell on a stick. Eclipse didn't make it easier, it made it even harder. I couldn't believe how easy c# and visual studio was in comparison. And because Microsoft seemed to have completely ripped of Java's syntax for .NET it was a cinch making the switch.

Comment Re:Still using it (Score 1, Troll) 155

I've used Basica, GW-Basic, QBasic, Logo, Visual Basic for DOS, VB6, Turbo Pascal, Turbo C++, Watcom, Visual Studio 2002/2003/2005/2008/2010/2012, Netbeans, XCode, Notepad, Notepad++, Vi, Watcom, Progress4GL and Eclipse.

Hands down, Eclipse was the slowest and most confusingest I've ever used out of ALL of the above.

Comment Re:I do this for a living (Score 3, Informative) 299

>That should get you started. DON'T TALK TO SALESMEN. They will try to sell you things.
>Things you probably don't need. Focus on what your interests and skills are, and then build your studio around that.

Very helpful advice. Check out for some other (hopefully) useful answers. The forum is very good.

Comment Re:Must use MacOS (Score 1) 299

>For serious music production use MacOS, its the right tool for the job.


I resisted getting a mac for about 15 years. Just do yourself a favour, buy a macbook pro, or even an air, and you will be amazed at how easy everything is and how well everything works. Open source is a waste of time.

Windows will work ok, but for various reasons the music industry has chosen Macs as the standard. In theory you could run everything on Windows ok, but I wouldn't bother. Don't fight it, just get a Mac, you will be saving yourself months of "stuffing around" time.

Comment Re:Spread out the demand (Score 1) 404

Nope, that's fair. Is it just? Nope. Is it loving? Nope. Is it compassionate? Nope. Is it mercyful? Nope. Actually I guess it's really not fair after all. Is it fair that these people are sick? Nope.

If my brother was sick for 6 months and couldn't work, I'd tell him to stay at my place. After those six months were up would I demand that he pay me for those 6 months in terms or rent, medicine or food? Nope, because I'm compassionate. This is how we should treat other human beings. This is going to do your head in - but some of us do it even if they don't deserve it. It's called grace.

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