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Comment Re:But.. But... (Score 1) 162

Key word here is "municipal".

What part of your taxes goes to support that?

Not particularly much at all. Some percent of the city's apartment buildings are owned by the municipality. The part of the rent that doesn't go to maintaining said buildings goes towards building infrastructure.

Comment Re:But.. But... (Score 4, Interesting) 162

I live in Sweden. Medium sized city, pop. 70,000, population density 2,261/km2 (about 80% of the population density of Urban New York City). The apartment complex I live in was built in the '60s.

As a private person, I pay roughly $30 (USD) a month for municipal broadband. And what do I get?
* 10 IP addresses.
* 100 Mbps connection, and that is up and down. Network jack in the wall that's hooked up to a switch somewhere in the building that's got a fiber connection.
* No data transfer cap, no surcharges based on traffic, no closed ports or clauses in the terms of service that say I can't host servers or bullshit like that.

This is not the perk of living in some a luxury apartment, but something that's fairly common.

Comment Re:The Acela Trains can already go that fast (Score 1) 1026

The problem with all high speed trains is that they work in theory. In practice, they're ridiculously vulnerable, especially compared to sturdy, old fashioned trains. God forbid there's snow on the tracks. Or leaves. Or dust. Or someone sneezes inside the train. Or it's slightly windy. Or there's a problem with the train's internet connection.

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