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Comment Re:Where to draw the line (Score 1) 326

What? Your post started off "okay but mistaken" and then just descended into self-conscious gibberish.

Stallman's principles and objectives have been consistent. Just because you don't agree with them is irrelevant, even if you try to discredit them attaching derogatory labels to them: if anything you're post was a prime example of being obtuse and you've clearly gone wrong.

Comment You're an idiot. (Score 1) 326

You're an idiot.

"...and wants all software to be open-source."

No, he absolutely does not want all software to be "open-source".

He espouses 4 freedoms which can only be achieved through "FREE/Libre software".

"Open-source" has different aims and he speaks against them.

The rest of your post is equally ill informed and utterly misses his points, which demonstrated either you didn't even bother watching the TEDx video before vomiting out your rather moronic post or you were incapable of understanding.

Free software is literally nothing to do with whether "it's harder to write and debug applications".

Comment Re: To hire specific people (Score 1) 465

I had that situation face-to-face.

Black guy whose only qualification was a piece of paper from Sun saying he could answer questions about Java. (Shouldn't have even been called for interview really: the company was desperate to diversify away from just VB development).

I simply could not understand a single word he said! I had to stop the interview after 10 minutes.

Comment Re:Torvalds being foul-mouthed again? News at 11. (Score 1) 1501

Torvalds has always been a foul mouthed whiner and politely asking him to behave like a decent human being won't change him.

There, fixed that for you.

Torvalds has always been a self-important arsehole -and I mean that in a bad way- and he's too socially inept to even realise what a spoilt little brat he is.

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