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Comment Absurd (Score 1) 420

The idea of blaming Columbus for this is absurd. Clearly the blame lies with the Spanish government who sent Columbus exploring to begin with and therefore Spain should pay for all the world's global warming expenses. I'll submit this to a UN subcommittee for review immediately.

Comment oblig... (Score 1) 1799

1) What are your problems? Not some random vague laundry list like "Wall street is bad," or "The rich suck." A short, specific, list of the things you believe are big enough problems that they warrant protesting over.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

Comment HA! (Score 1) 155

I knew those whirled peas advocates had it all wrong.

Seriously, though, even just visualizing a good steak a minute ago calmed me down. I'm thinking this might actually be a tactic known as "distraction through hunger". It works for angry dogs too. Maybe the brain can only handle one primal urge at once.


Submission + - Facebook Inaccuracy Regarding Friend Finder Usage

eegad writes: After seeing many of my friends being advertised as having used the Friend Finder tool on Facebook, I began to question this, because these friends seem the type to be more security conscious than to type their email address and password into a Facebook tool or upload their contact file. I've just confirmed with one of those who had been named that they have never used that tool. Is this an error on Facebook's part, some allowable form of advertisement that we've all agreed to or just a big fat lie to get more people using the tool? In any case, it can't be good.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
