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Journal Journal: I Agree

Entirely too easy of a password to guess.

Got it on me first try!

User Journal

Journal Journal: pwned

Sometimes it's just too easy.

Hint for the rest of you, don't leave you account wide open for hacking.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Diarrhea girl 2

Does anyone find the red-headed "diarrhea girl" from the latest Pepto-Bismol commercial cute besides me?

"Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea... Yeah Pepto-Bismol!"

User Journal

Journal Journal: Understanding your tools

I'm having trouble posting to a thread right now, so I'm just going to do it here since I found this topic interesting.

I saw a in a post about the Sasser virus someone state that what we need is an educated user base, and then all of these easily exchanged viruses would disappear. In a perfect world this would be true. An educated user base is ideal.

But I can't seem to get past the analogy to other technology that "average" people use everyday. Take the car for example. You're average driver has NO idea about the innerworkings of the vehicle. Not where to check the oil, transmission fluid, how to change spark plugs, etc. And these are the EASY things about car maintenance. They just want it to work when they need it.

It doesn't only apply to the actual innerworkings of a car either. Take defensive/skilled driving, the average driver wouldn't know how to effectively manage a skid, hyro-plane, etc. They just want to use it for their needs, they don't expect bad things to happen to them.

Both of these analogies translate directly to computer users. There are a number of people who undertand the inside of their computer at an expert level, but they are in the minority. There also a number of people who understand what to do when something goes wrong with their computer, but they are also in the minority.

We will never have a user base that is as educated as you would like, its just human nature. The "average" user of any technology just wants it to work. They don't want to think about everything that goes on behind the scenes. The average user also thinks that "bad" things will not happen to them, and if on a lark they do happen, then they will just get it fixed.

While I'm from the school of thought that anyone that uses anything important in their daily life should understand it sufficiently enough to repair it/use it safely, most "average" people are not.

Take a look at the days of the Old West, where it was a crime punishable by death to steal someone's horse. Why? Because it was that person's livelihood. The person that owned the horse also knew how to take care of it. To shoe it, feed it, brush it, saddle it, etc. We've just taken our technological leaps for granted now. While our car can be our livelihood, SOMEONE's gonna know how to fix it. And if our computer goes down, the tech guy's supposed to fix it right?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Apple Terminal.app SUCKS!!

ARGH!!!! I can not stand Apple's Terminal.app program. Be it problems with default preferences not saved or randomly reset to being able to quit the program with a key command but no user confirmation, Terminal.app manages to piss me off at least 3 times a week. Just seconds ago I had 7 terms opened and SSHed to 7 differents servers doing a variety of things. I fat-fingered Command-Tab and hit Command-Q instead. Instantly Terminal.app closed all connections and the program exited. Shit! Now before any of you mention it, yes, I've configured Terminal.app to prompt before "closing" a terminal window. This doesn't however have any effect on quiting the application in general. God I hate this fscking program. If only there was another OS X terminal emulator that didn't revolve around Terminal.app in some manner. *sigh*

Journal Journal: New Hamas leader 7

Just a thought about the new Hamas leader.

He has gone on record and stated plainly that the U.S. is not going to be a target of Hamas attacks. This is a very astute move.

The patience with Israel around the world is growing very thin. This is not mere anti-Semitism that many Jewish leaders automatically rail against every time the Jews are criticized. There is a growing disgust with the manner in which the Israeli government treats the Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza. This disgust is a direct result of our concepts of Western democracy and equal rights. Since the victory of Israel against its neighbors decades ago, the Jewish population has oppressed the Palestinian refugees in a system akin to apartheid in South Africa.

For a while here, since the beginning of the second intifada and significant increase in civilian bombings, the Palestinians were losing a lot of credibility. Of course the Israelis have the right to crack down on terrorists!

Even in the Yassin killing, Israel is fully justified in the eyes of many to have undertaken the operation.

But now the new leader of Hamas has done something very smart. He has focused his war onto a single opponent - Israel. This changes the dynamics of the war from one of Hamas vs. Israel/U.S. to only Hamas vs. Israel. The U.S. is now given the chance to disengage themselves from Israel. It also forces Israel to deal with Hamas as an opponent in a civil war rather than as part of an overarching War on Terrorism.

Bush has already taken the position that a Palestinian homeland is inevitable and desirable, and this is Hamas giving the U.S. the chance to push that position. If the U.S. is able to make Israel realize that they will lose American support unless the Jewish population stops treating the Palestinian refugees as interlopers, then we may see significant progress towards peace in Israel.

OTOH, we may see Israel lash out uninhibitedly against the Palestinians. However, the international backlash, including the possible invasion of Israel and arrest of Israeli leaders for violations of international human rights laws, would most likely put a damper on such a large Jewish offensive.

It doesn't look like the U.S. has any inclination to take the chance to disengage, if the public statements of American diplomats are any indication, though. It's too bad. This could have been a way of protecting the U.S. from increased terrorist attacks coming from opponents of Israel.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Conservatives featured on MTV?

I saw one of those 'MTV News' stories two days ago about how young conservatives are organizing around the country and crashing anti-war protests. The subject matter alone was pretty shocking to me. I'm sure some MTV exec figured it would be good for their channel to appear 'fair and balanced' by representing the right to some extent.

Now what really bothers me is that the college students who were being interviewed for the piece were just as naively biased as the Republican house wives who are currently married to the corporate big wigs who are stealing our country right out from underneath us. This idealism they use to justify everything from stealing workers' retirements to sending troops to die to win another campaign is absolutely ridiculous.

Now, I'm a moderate liberal. I believe that we need a strong government to support our society. I also believe in free enterprise and a strong military. But, being the raging realist that I am, I also believe that we will never have a society devoid of corruption and malfeasance. Which means that we will ALWAYS need checks and balances that work. Government administrations will always need to be watched, and corporations will always need to be reigned in. There is no other way it can be. The human condition forbids it.

So being a moderate liberal has been very frustrating. The far left and the far right are fcuking morons. They have to argue the most extreme versions of their beliefs in order to be heard. One end is a bunch of idealistic hippies that believe everyone is inherently good and we should work towards socialism, the other end is a group of religious fundamentalists who are being led by puppet strings attached to their morals toward corporate slavery and fascism. Neither outcome is very appealing to me.


Journal Journal: Anyone else getting logged out? 4

Aside from having my Karma stomped down to Terrible and being completely blocked from posting comments, I'm also being automatically logged out after viewing several pages.

If this is another problem, I'd like to begin the count of issues I've encountered so far.

1) Moderation weightings have been skewed such that a negative moderation affects karma significantly downward while positive moderation barely affects karma upward.

2) The new comment history page is completely fucked.

3) New cookie? New security? WTF?

4) Automatic logging out.

Anything else?


Journal Journal: Moderation/Karma weightings? 2

What is the weighting of Moderation to Karma?

It is common knowledge that a +1 Funny is worth 0 karma, but are there other values that are not commonly known?

I currently have Bad karma. However, looking over my recent posts, I have many +5 Insightful/Interesting posts and have a positive moderation balance despite several downmods.

However, my karma has steadily declined. Likewise, my karma barely moves at all from Positive to Good even though I have received a moderation balance of +20 as evidenced by the daily moderation totals.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Oh that big bad job market...

My first entry into my journal and it has to deal with *SURPRISE* getting a tech job. Not that I'm bitter or anything. I already have a tech job. Its just that its only 23 hours a week in the public school system, and they NEVER expand positions into full-time once they've reduced the hours.

Oh to be a new grad in 1999. I'd probably be making $60K, rollin' in my Benz and pimpin the hoes. And then it would come to an abrupt halt a year later and I'd be on my ass unable to make my student loan payments.

So I guess my question is this: Is it better to have pimped and lost everything, or never to have pimped at all? I'm fairly certain its better to never have pimped than to have lost it all. I mean really, I don't think I could sit here and help teachers everyday with their web browser, email virus and MS Word problems if I used to drive a luxury car and bang a 20 yr. old college cheer leader.

The Matrix

Journal Journal: Impending unemployment 4

I was given notice that this Friday will be my last day at this company. The notice actually came at the end of January, so it is no surprise. My company is finally closing the Japanese office. I was given the chance to transfer back to the home office or to another office in nearby Taiwan. I chose to remain here in Japan for the sake of my family.

For years the Japanese office have been a drain on capital never having reached profitability, but also it has been a source of several very big name customers in the consumer electronic space. Unfortunately with the prolonged downturn in the economy, the home office has scrutinized the various divisions within the company and has decided to lop off those unprofitable parts. I don't blame them for the decision and I have been treated more than fairly, though my experience seems to have been out of the norm.

The company tried their best to place me elsewhere in the company because I am an expatriot specifically for them, so they felt that they had an extra responsibility to at the very least to bring me back to the U.S. I simply couldn't accept though. Aside from my suspicion that I would have been laid off after two months or so back in the U.S., I have actually just gotten settled here in Japan. I bought a car and renewed my apartment lease for another two years. I'm just not at a point where I can up and move again.

I mentioned earlier that the layoffs were actually announced at the end of January, but my last day will be this Friday. The Japanese employees, for the most part (there are still a couple people like country manager and office manager still around to help with the closing), had their last day back in January. I have had my employment extended in order to handle visa transfers and to handle other things that are required for living here that were handled by the company previously.

I've been doing that for a couple weeks now and I'm just taking a little break today. I've been running all over the place for my visa. I've been to a couple interviews which I'm still waiting on. And just last Friday I found out that I'm supposed to be working on wrapping up development for one of the customers for whom we had to cancel a project on. It gives me a chance to polish my programming a little more before being hurled into unemployment, so that's a plus. But I would have much rather had this week to finish what I need to finish in terms of things that are important to me, not for some ex-customer.

So I am going to be employment-free next week. I've talked to a few recruiters and have gone to a couple interviews through them. The companies seem cool, and I'm definitely qualified for the positions that I'm seeking (Lead QA engineer, Junior developer, or FAE). I'm not worried about finding a new job. There are plenty of jobs out there for developers, but there aren't as many for QA engineers. There is no premium nor respect for QA in Japan, it is seen as an expense only and it's engineers are no more than trained monkeys, so companies end up hiring part time workers to perform QA for less than 1000 yen an hour typically. It's a little disheartening to say the least. But I'm looking for something a little more involved than button pressing.

I've got 5 and a half years of experience at this latest company. 1 of that was as a developer, just before I moved to Japan 2 years ago to help with the Japanese QA team as a technical lead which they desperately needed. After the other members of the QA team finally left after the PM mismanaged them for the last time, I was left as the sole QA engineer. I named myself QA manager and hired on two interns (at 1000 yen per hour) and trained them to do QA while I handled the customer contacts and project scheduling. I tried my best to give them some grounding in C because they could then become much more useful to my QA team and also to any future engineering job they would get. It's funny, neither of them had any computer experience when they came in, but they left able to write simple tests in C. They were really great, for the most part. Having to fire them in November due to cost cutting was tough, though.

Now I'd like to find a position that I can grow in. QA in Japan was really a dead end because of the inability to move upwards. Becoming the QA manager is like becoming the top monkey, you're still a monkey. That's why I'm looking for stuff in development if possible. I've got development experience, but that was two years ago before I moved to Japan. I'm doing my best at interviews to emphasize that most of what I did in QA was development of test cases so I'm not rusty. That's my biggest challenge in the interviews now.

I did finally receive the results of my Japanese Language Proficiency Test last weekend and I am officially a Level 2 certificate holder. There is only one more level to go and that is Native Speaker status, so I'd like to think I've come a long way, but I know there's still quite a bit to go. I'll need to update my resume...

Heh. If you've know any positions for a Japanese-speaking American who's got several years of experience in Development, QA, and Management, please drop me a line at my email address. I'd really appreciate it.


Journal Journal: FreeBSD loader niggle 6

The FreeBSD bootloader does not seem to talk to my USB keyboard, so I have to sit through 10 seconds of 'devil menu' every time I boot up.

It would be nice if this were configurable, skippable, or if the loader would just talk to my USB keyboard so I could skip the menu manually.

No update on the DHCP issue. The machine still isn't talking to the Internet.

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